It was the Glow in the Snow party (or as Sara likes to abbreviate it...GitS) and it was, in short, awesome fun.
I went with 3 good friends from college; F, B, and K.* We had 'pre-party' drinks in college (just one) whilst getting ready, mostly in black and white, the theme being fluro or white, complete with face paint (stars). We didn't leave until 9.
On the way to the party, I amusingly heard some guy behind us in a singlet and shorts (sans jacket) say to another girl "I'll never make you wear a dress or a skirt again! It's fucking freezing!"
It was like any typical party; the place was huge; security was everywhere; the music was fantastic (recent and older pop, including the Spice Girls, Britney and John Farnham), but it slightly too loud, not only creating a ringing/deaf sensation in one's ears, but making it hard to talk or order a drink; girl(s) on girl(s); every second person was hooking up; fluro and glow sticks everywhere; guys in tight pants and short shorts; girls in shirts pretending to be dresses; raised platforms for dancing/showing off on (or in Sara's case, falling off of, though she wasn't the only one); a sleazy Indian guy hanging around; several guys who tried to pick F, who has a boyfriend who was also there; K hooking up with one of F's friends; some Asian guy who was trying to pick me up; a serial number guy**; seeing friends every so often in the crowd; and, of course, it snowed.
[I stole some of Sara's photos from Facebook - so you can blame her for the quality - as I was clearly abstaining from technology.]

The venue: Queensbridge Hotel

The snow! Actually, it was this foamy stuff, but it looked incredibly cool and looked really nice in our hair. I don't think it tasted so good though.
Surprisingly enough, I also danced with one of F's other friends, which was memorable and...nice. Nothing happened though, for which I might actually be grateful; baby steps. I don't know what F told some of the other girls, though, because they've told me they're "seeing me in new light," like I'm some kind of party girl, which I find very funny.
We left at 2.30, with the boys intending to carry on the party somewhere else, but it took us that long to flag down a cab that I think they just ended up going back to college, although I'm not entirely sure, because we girls went home in the first cab.
Contrary to my father's belief, I was not in any way hungover on Sunday morning (I only had two drinks), just exhausted. Open Day was fine; I found I actually really enjoyed it, apart from the traipsing all three floors in succession all day, and the standing outside in the cold spruiking, but the people I met were all lovely. I can't believe it's 4th week of 2nd semester already. Where has the time gone?!
I survived the technology famine; it wasn't that hard to resist the urge to turn on my laptop and check my emails, or check my text messages, it just felt weird not to. I seem to have more self-restraint when it comes to technology - which I'm connected to most of every day - than I do with chocolate, which I tried to go without for a week, but failed miserably. Or maybe it's because it was for a cause.
Now I have to start those assignments due this week that I haven't started yet.
*Not their real initials.
**Some asshole we saw walking around, who hooked up with one of our college friends, as well as several other girls. He also got all their numbers.
Lol! =) Parties are way too amusing to not be chronicled - esp. all the sidey characters. :P
Nice post - I like!
"Some asshole we saw walking around, who hooked up with one of our college friends..." Don't you just HATE guys like th is? They are so annoying. That's why I've never gone to a club by myself. There's a reason why someone came up with the line "Safety in numbers."
And I definitely don't miss being cold. I maybe slightly complain about the melting heat here, but I can honestly say that I hate being cold and I hate snow even more.
Congrats on doing the 40 hr thing. I don't think I could've done it. Not with the business I have.
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