Dear President Obama:
As citizens across the world, we congratulate you on your election, and celebrate your campaign commitments to sign a strong new global treaty on climate change, close Guantanamo prison and end torture, withdraw carefully from Iraq, and double aid to fight poverty. No one country or leader can meet the world's most pressing challenges alone, but working together as one world in a spirit of dialogue and cooperation, yes we can bring real and lasting change.
The Global Message to Obama Wall in Washington DC is becoming a powerful symbol of unity and reconciliation between the US and the World. Sign it online.
As you know I'm not terribly politically active, so it is no surprise I'm sure that this comment will not be about Obama. I was trying to post it on you LJ blog but I don't think I can post a comment unless I have an LJ account. So anyway, I read that poem you posted, very beautiful. I myself have been reading a bit of ye olde poetry of late, and I came across this little number by Ben Jonson. He is better known as a playwright, but I think his poetry is lovely. He is an English renaissance poet and this little number is called "Her Triumph" and its from a series of 10 love poems called "A celebration of Charis". Anyway, here goes:
See the chariot at hand here of love,
Wherein my lady rideth!
Each that draws is a swan or a dove,
And well the car Love guideth.
As she goes all hearts do duty
Unto her beauty;
And enamour’d do wish, so they might
But enjoy such a sight,
That they still were to run by her side,
Through swords, through seas, wither she would ride.
Do but look on her eyes, they do light
All that Love’s world compriseth!
Do but look on her hair, it is bright
As Love’s star when it riseth;
Do but mark, her forhead’s smoother
Than words that soothe her!
And from her archèd brows such a grace
Sheds itself through the face,
As alone there triumphs to the life
All the gain, all the good of the elements’ strife.
Have you seen but a white lily grow,
Before rude hands have touch’d it?
Have you mark’d but the fall of the snow,
Before the soil hath smutch’d it?
Have you ever felt the wool of the beaver,
Or the swan’s down ever?
Or have smell'd o’ the bud o’ the brier?
Or the ‘nard in the fire?
Or have tasted the bag of the bee?
O so white! O so soft! O so sweet is she!
What do you think? I think if you read it aloud it sounds even lovelier. What I like about it is that it is a love poem, not a poem about lust - he does not want to tarnish her beauty by making her his lover. Anywho, sorry that I put it here, I won't be offended if you don't approve it for this post, I just thought I'd send it to you.
Good luck with exams my chicken,
It's beautiful! So sweet, and the imagery is so romantic. Thanks =)
BTW I changed my settings on LJ so you can comment even if you don't have an account. Sorry about that.
Huzzah! Thank you my lovely. I have already commented on a post there!
Much love
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