5 year old girl: Mummy, I'm going to blame everything on you from now on too.
Last night, netball game:
Opposing Goal Defence to Wing Defence: I have the most amazing news! Guess what?
Wing Defence: What?
GD: Guess!
WD: I don't know!
GD: My grandma's getting married this weekend and I'm going to be her bridesmaid!
WD: Oh my gosh that is amazing!
[GD misses a pass]
Yesterday's Culture, Media and Everyday Life tute:
Some guy: On the plane they were showing Sex and the City, and I was really bored so I figured I might as well watch it...I didn't go see it at the cinema, it's not like this sexually ambiguous decision or anything.
Today's literature lecture [on Sylvia Plath]:
Lecturer: Poets have a higher rate of self-destructive behaviour than any other artists, 26% compared with 11%...and only 1% of the population. So if you're a fledgling poet...look out.
It's Student Union election time on campus which means propaganda, pushy parties and lots of Leftists. I was walking to my (one) lecture today, listening to my iPod (iPhone, but whatever), thinking gleefully that at least they'd leave me alone now, when to my dismay some guy from YES!/Fresh (or whoever) started telling me about what they stand for. As if I care. And as if I was listening! I can't escape them; they're everywhere, and they promote in all my lectures too. I think I might vote, just so the socialist alternative doesn't get elected. Also, I want Independent Media as the Media Officers. I do not want a Left Farrago.
My favourite slogan is the Liberal one:
(They also say "kick the commies off campus!" and "it's time to smash socialism." I agree, but I'm not sure I want a conservative Student Union, either...)
A very amusing spoof:

I just noticed the change in your header...GREEN STILLETOES!Agreed, they're polka dotted but they're my ultimate fantasy- to own a pair of bottle green stilletoes. I love your header pictures..where do you get them from?
Also really liked the lyrics of the song..the best songs have the simplest of lyrics. So relatable.
okay, the first one cracks me up. and is quite telling. Why would you blame everything on your child? I don't get it. But it was still funny.
I love election time. There is always free candy and stuff, and if you are swift you can nab some while they are discussing important matters with someone else. Or you can simply say, I will vote for you if you give me this...
Thanks Sharanya. I get the pictures from Photobucket. Photobucket has the best icons.
Celise: it's funny, but it's kind of sad at the same time. And also somewhat inexplicable...
Kell: Funnily enough, in the college elections one of the candidates stuck a lolly to each of our doors with a note saying "vote D" ;-) But I, uh, didn't vote for her...the other candidate is my friend.
Methinks Vader wants some cookies. That WAS why he joined the Dark Side.
I liked to know why you hate socialism so much?
Hey DF, what's up? How have you been? OMG how was England etc? Are you back????
Anyway, I don't really hate socialism that much, mostly just the Socialist Alternative on campus, because they're annoying and super-radical...not that there's anything wrong with that per se. The funny thing is, I would probably consider myself more Left than right...just not that Left.
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