Well - it's baaaack! I'm kicking the year off with one of my absolute favourites. It cracks me up every time, and I love it so much I've stuck it on my door at home. It's also a great message.

*by which I mean readers who have stuck with me, not those readers who are older
Where do you pick these cards up? I know they're around cafes etc in Melbourne but I never manage to see them anywhere!
Well SOMEONE is up late! ;-)
Don't look at me. I just got back from Coffee Crawl!
There's a rack in Union House you know, right near the stairs up from the toilets. I can't remember where I got this one. Actually, I think it might have been Cafe Segovia in the Block Arcade, a cafe my family frequents. There's also some in Deep Dish or Blue Dish or whatever that cafe/bar is called behind the Arts Building next to the Asia Centre. And the art house cinemas like Nova and Kino usually have a pretty good selection. Of course, I know all the hot spots! :D
um, I think I'd find this hysterical but I know nothing about cars so I don't get the joke. LOL. I'm just as bad as that guy on the card.
No you're not, I'm sure you know that Sudan is a country! Sedan is a four door car. ;-)
We have a shop called Avant Card here. Don't think it actually designs anything it sells though.
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