It's fun and dramatic and over the top and there's a terrific love triangle, not to mention several secrets about Chuck.
Plus, Ned is really cute.
Weeds is one of my new absolute favourite shows. I'll admit I was skeptical of a show about dealing in the suburbs, but it's original, witty, and doesn't take itself seriously.
This is not, thankfully, Desperate Housewives. Sure, everyone may be screwing everyone else, but it's a mostly plausible plot about a housewife, Nancy, who needs to support herself and her two kids after her husband suddenly up and dies of a heart attack (in the first episode, no less.)
Finally, How I Met Your Mother, which I was also fairly disdainful of, but since watching a few episodes on the plane, am now gagging to watch.
Jason Segel is as fresh and amusing as he was in Forgetting Sarah Marshall (a movie I surprisingly enjoyed). It's a show about relationships, hook ups, friendship, the boundaries of these and, mostly, their exploits with women.
I know. I watch a lot of tv. But, as Eric VdW once famously said, "who watches tv on a tv anymore?"
Damn, I should've watched Pushing Daisies when it was being aired here. Will get down to it now that I have a dependable recco :D
And before I forget-- I LOVE YOUR HEADER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It looks so delicious; I'd EAT it if I could!
You'd love Pushing Daisies. It would probably make you cry. It makes me want to cry. In a totally "omg they can't get together or even TOUCH this is so tragiccccc" LOL.
Is it cyber o-food? ;-) And thank you. It's a collection of my favourite icons :)
Oh, I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Pushing Daisies (as you probably know). And How I Met Your Mother. They're both so clever! ♥
I haven't seen Weeds yet though.
...except I seem to have started watching Season 2 of Pushing Daisies, because that's all I've got. At least someone else in college is bound to have it. :)
I think you'd like Weeds.
JAG - sorry to reply so late. of course you can do those questions - fill them out (they're on my blog obvs) and email your answrs to me at oh and if you could add them as an attachment instead of in the email itself that would be awesome! xx
I don't think you watch TV as much as I do. You should check out the post I wrote for all the shows we watch--together and apart.
Never got into any of the shows you watched, but I do know that Pushing Daisies was cancelled over here in the states. I think How I Met Your Mother was, too.
pushing daisies is an amazing show, i cant believe it hasnt won more awards than it has. i cried when they cancelled it...really! its just so unique and well done, they should have been given more time. ah well.
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