Which one do you think is me? (Yeah my photography skillzzz are the shiz right? I totally missed our faces...and I wasn't even drinking...)
We went out on Brunswick St on Friday night to the Night Cat and Perseverence. It was, essentially, a man-hunt, but only one of us hooked up. Hooking up for the sake of kind of bothers me. I had a great night - I've never really been out on Brunswick St, except to Bimbo's (several times), so it was nice to see some new places. Perserverence was awesome - well, the music was; the dancefloor, not so much (tiny and crowded) - it was 90s night. The Night Cat - yep, the one and the same Cat Empire named themselves for! - was very cool, where a live band played a Latin-American kind of salsa-jazz. I had a really great time, and fortunately none of my friends got rip-roaring drunk (like vomit-in-the-gutter drunk).
Much as I love going out, being the only sober one and having to look after my friends is a little frustrating, to say the least. It's selfish to say so (and I love all my friends dearly), but I just wish once I could go out and have a good time and not worry about whether someone is throwing up in the bathroom or being felt up by some creepy guy (neither of which is an often occurance but you get my drift.)* I'm just saying: moderation is key, people.
But then I looked at my friends, being silly and giggly and uninhibited, and I almost wanted to feel like that. And I realised I probably could, if I wasn't so cheap. But then it occurred to me; I like being in control. Of myself. I love that I won't (necessarily) fall over in the middle of the road, or be able to stop a guy groping because I'm too drunk to notice, or wake up the next morning and not remember parts of the night before. It continues to frustrate me that people say "I wish I didn't need a few drinks to be confident and comfortable" (because you don't, dammit.)
Anyway, that's my moral aside, and I'm not preaching, promise.
*I should add that quite a few of us went out for dumplings on Saturday night - yeah, big weekend I know - for a friend's 20th, and then went out after. Because I was leaving early (for a wet, wild and windy Open Day at 8.30am the next morn, woot!) it was very relaxed for me, and quite lovely. Drunk freshers were someone else's problem.
If you took the photo, it's gotta be the one on the left or right, and judging by the wide grin, I'd say the one smiling? :P
*sings* I know, I know, I know, I know, and no one else does (not even YOU, Ryan) and I dearly hope Jdl doesn't pop up here and take away my moment.
I love it when I know stuff others don't. Shortcut to EPIC happiness =D =D =D
The one with the big grin =D
Greetings from Jordan ;
Waed , the lost within girl !
I say the one on the right! I recognise the smile! :D
I would HATE to wake up and not remember parts of the night before! "Moderation is key" - I agree! :D
Waed! NO WAY! Dammit girl I was looking for you a long time ago, wondering where you'd escaped to from cyberspace - how you been?! :) update me! =D
Haha! I left cyberspace but been thinking of opening a new blog or resurrecting the old one ,still haven't decided what to do !
I am following you now on twitter !
<< the word Follow is so stalker-ish lol >>
Sharanya - what about me, can I come and take away your moment? :D
Anyway. Onto the post. I don't know... I agree, moderation is key, but it's not like being in control and being silly and giggly and uninhibited are mutually exclusive. With a couple of drinks you can be both. I don't know if this is fact, but my impression is that you don't like to drink at all when you go out. You shouldn't feel like you need to stay 100% sober just to take care of your friends you know! And honestly, I know with my group of friends that I usually go out with, none of us really worry about whether anyone else is throwing up or getting groped or whatever. I mean if it comes to that we're always there to lend a hand and help out and make sure everyone gets home safely but ultimately we all understand it's your own fault for getting that smashed and if you don't like the consequences then don't do it next time. Obviously we all look out for each other but not to the extent of having it impinge on having a good night out ourselves.
Irony of it is I'm silly and giggly most of the time without any "enhancements." ;) I'm not completely opposed to drinking whilst out - remember Glow in the Snow? I'm pretty sure I bought a drink there and had one before hand. And I usually try most people's drinks, because I'm curious (and I want to know what I should order, should I feel the urge.) But most of the time I'm too cheap, ha ha. I probably sound a bit begrudging about my friends, but the truth is I worry about them, that's all (and of course I tend to exaggerate about the groping up thing. Although that kind of happened to one of my friends...) I guess I'm just getting used to the going out scene? :) And you should know me - I don't stay sober to look after my friends (though someone should, ha ha) - I stay sober because I prefer to. :)
@ Sara:
Haha, you absolutely can, that was for Jdl only =D
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