Y'all know that my quest in life is conquer a challenging meme; well, Sharan provided me with just the fodder. Excellent. Let's get started shall we? I may throw the word EPIC around a lot, but this really is the definition of it, tag form:
1. When did you discover Harry Potter?
Must have been before 1999/the turn of the millenium. My American cousins gave us the first two in paperback with their recommendations, and after that we were hooked - we bought all the rest as soon as they came out, so they're all in hardcover. My dad read them to my brother, right up until and including the fourth book, often adlibbing names, much to his (and my) amusement.
2. How many times have you read the books?
Goodness only knows. I have re-read all of them several times, forwards, backwards, out of order.
3. Which Hogwarts house would you like to be in?
Ravenclaw! Sounds like my kind of house; “wit beyond measure is man’s greatest treasure,” and all that. Gryffindor sounds pretty exciting and open-minded though…Don’t we all fancy we could be Gryffindors? Hufflepuff also sounds fun, comfortable, amusing and optimistic, like they don’t take themselves too seriously, I wouldn’t mind being in that house…they get a bit of raw deal for being dopey.
4. Which house would you be put in?
Ravenclaw, because I’m a smartie pants like that.
5. Which character would you most like to pound on?
As opposed to jump their bones? Ha ha. You mean punch, right? Lucius Malfoy.
6. Which character would you most like to be friends with?
Hermione! She's smart and opinionated and she doesn't care what you think.
7. Which Hogwarts subject would be your favorite?
Charms. What an awesome subject.
8. Which teacher would be your favorite?
Ha ha, see above – Flitwick! Or maybe McGonagall.
9. Who would you most like to slip a love potion?
Ha ha. Umm…Cedric Diggory sounds like a bit of all right. You know...if he hadn't died.
10. Which book would you most like to borrow from the Hogwarts library?
Omigosh! HowEVER shall I choose? I think I'd have to go with Sharanya and say Hogwarts: A History. I'd also love to read The Tales of Beedle the Bard and Twelve Fail-Safe Ways to Charm Witches, except, you know, for wizards. Or Quidditch Through the Ages, The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts, and Great Wizards of the Twentieth Century (not to mention Great Wizarding Events of the Twentieth Century.)
11. Which potion would you most like to brew?
Oooh, Liquid Luck!
12. Which charm would you most like to perform?
I’ve always wanted to be able to accio things. Or the Disillusionment one would be handy. The Cheering Charm would be fun. No no no…the Patronus Charm! Or a Flying charm. But Patronus, because that’s what brooms are for!
13. Who would you most like to jinx and with what?
UMBRIDGE. Fo shizzle. With what? Hmmm…Bat Bogey hex sounds like fun!
14. Which Unforgivable curse would you use if you had to?
If I really really had to? I’d really rather not…I don’t know if I’d have the anger you need. I suppose Imperio seems the least cruel, but this is only relative, and there's a certain threshold of evil that these curses all clearly surpass...
15. On whom?
Fenrir? He awful. Oh no, wait - Bellatrix. She's horrible. But that makes me as bad as her.
16. Which shop in Diagon Alley do you want to visit the most?
The Weasleys’ store! It looks AMAZING (esp in the 6th film.)
17. Would you play Quidditch?
’Course! If I could…(I’m not very co-ordinated, ha ha)
18. Which position?
Oooh, I’d LOVE to be a Seeker. But probably not due to aforementioned lack of skillz – maybe Chaser?
19. Which team would you support?
Quidditch team? The two Aussie teams: the Thundelarra Thunderers and the Woollongong Warriors, of course!
20. If you had to kill one Weasley, who would it be?
Percy, of course! Ha ha. Joking. I don’t want to kill any Weasleys!
21. Animagi or Metamorphmagi?
Tough. Probably Metamorphmagi. Imagine the fun you could have playing with your appearance!
22. What would your animagus be?
I'm tempted to say cat, like McGoogly, but I'd rather be something that flies. If we were going with my personality, it would be a kookaburra, because I laugh so much. Probably an owl, because they're wise and majestic.
23. What do you think your patronus would be?
A kangaroo. Duh. Ha ha. A swan? Something fun like a dingo border collie. Or a beagle!
25. What happy memory would you use to summon it?
Oh god, I have so many – however would I choose ONE? I guess most recently it would be of my last night in America with the Dream Team.
26. What would a Bogart turn into for you?
Excellent question. No doubt something like Hermione's - Prof McG telling her she'd failed all her exams.
27. Which magical career would you pursue?
I wouldn't mind working within the Ministry. The Muggle-Worthy Excuse Committee sounds like fun! A bit like PR. I could imagine working with The Department of International Magical Cooperation. Or as a journalist/photographer for the Daily Prophet! What fun!
28. Which chamber would you most like to enter in the Department of Mysteries?
The Time Room or the Planet Room.29. What wizarding sweet most tempts you?
Chocolate frogs or sugar quills. Or fizzing wizzbees. I could die in Honeydukes.
30. Would you consider joining the Death Eaters?
God no! They’re disgusting, prejudiced, narrow-minded and cruel, a magical version of the KKK, hoods and all.
31. Would you consider joining the Order of the Phoenix?
I would LOVE to. It would be an honour.
32. Would you consider joining Dumbledore's Army?
Yes! Power to the students! I’d be worried about breaking the rules, but for a good cause…
33. Would you consider joining SPEW?
Yes. I think if House-elves want to work - which is probably a mentality - they should do it free like Dobby. There's nothing wrong with wanting to serve others, and house-elves at Hogwarts have it pretty good. But there's nothing right about "owning" house-elves like the Malfoy family.
34. What wizarding event would you most like to attend?
The Yule Ball! Oh, no, HALLOWEEN!
35. Which room in Hogwarts would you most like to visit?
Room of requirement! And the Prefect's Bathroom, it sounds awesome. Not to mention Gryffindor Common Room.
36. Is Snape evil?
Well I wouldn't say he's good. I don't know if he's evil - that implies something inherently, well, bad about him, but he definitely has flexible morals.
37. Can you say...erm...you know...HIS name out loud?
Yes. Voldemort. I can understand the reluctance, but "fear of the name increases fear of the thing" and all that.
38. Which current Hogwarts student could you see becoming the future Minister for Magic?
39. Werewolves or Vampires?
Well if all werewolves are like Remus Lupin…
40. Wizard's chess or exploding snaps?
Wizard’s chess! I suck, but it sounds super exciting. Plus, who needs explosions?
41. Would you rather lose all the bones in your arm or be attacked by brains?
Neither! I’ve never broken a bone…probably the former.
42. Would you go to a Deathday party?
Yep. It would be pretty incredible.
43. Can you speak Parseltongue?
No. That would weird me out.
44. Bellatrix or Narcissa?
You want me to pick the lesser of two evils here? At least Narcissa's not quite so obsessed with the Dark Lord. She wants what's best for Draco. She at least seems more humane than Bellatrix.
45. Which Marauder is your favorite?
Remus Lupin. He sounds like the cutest when he was young. Bookish is totally my type. Sirius sounds HOT though. Or maybe I read too much fanfic…
46. Have you ever been to a midnight launch party?
Sigh. No. But there’s still two films to go!
47. Have you ever dressed up like a wizard for a book or movie release?
YES! My school had a book-themed dress up day, and I was Professor McGonagall. My mum made a cloak – black, with a hood, lined with gold ribbon – which says ‘HOGWARTS’ on the back in stars. It is the coolest thing. I also wore it to a film release (can’t remember which one.)
48. Have you ever dressed up like a wizard for Halloween?
Le sigh. Negativo, as there is sadly no Halloween as such in Oz.
49. Have you ever dressed up like a wizard for a regular week day?
50. What Harry Potter paraphernalia do you possess?
What don’t I have? Ha ha. I may have gone through a bit of a phrase around 2002…let’s see, I have Hedwig, HP and the Philosopher’s Stone trivia board game, Gryffindor dressing gown (still wear it), Harry Potter mobile (a combination of gifts from the parentals and my own buying)…I think that about covers it. Oh, and my brother and I each have some kind of HP card game. My brother has an HP gameboy (so much fun!) and my aunt used to buy us Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans.
51. Do you reference Harry Potter in daily life?
Hell yeah!
52. 12 Grimmauld Place or 4 Privet Drive?
Grimmauld Place.
53. Would you rather be a Weasley, a Malfoy or a Potter?
Oooh, I don’t know. Obviously not a Malfoy, but a Weasley sounds like fun! How about Mrs Potter?
54. What magical animal would you most like for a pet?
I wouldn't mind a cat, but not Crookshanks. Or an owl, they sound super useful and smart.
55. What form of magical transportation would you prefer?
56. Have you ever created fanart?
No. But I read fanfic.
57. How many fansites do you visit, and how often?
In my heyday…ha ha. Not all that many; harrypotterfanfiction.com, ultimate icons...
58. Have you ever worked for one?
Nope. I don’t write it, I just read it.
59. Is meeting JK Rowling on your life list of things to do?
No (because it’s so unlikely) but I SAW HER. I was at the FOURTH HARRY POTTER BOOK LAUNCH IN LONDON. SHE WAS THERE. (Aside: I was also on TV – Sixty Minutes – back in Oz because of the event.) So, you know, my life is fairly complete; I've seen JKR in person AND I've been on TV!
60. Which magical item would you most like to possess?
A wand? A broomstick? OMIGOD! Invisibility Cloak!! Or an Extendable Ear (TM). Or Moody's magical eye. But mostly the Cloak. Coolest thing ever.
61. What Horcrux would you most like as a souvenir?
Harry! Ha ha ha ha ha. The Diadem.
62. Would you die for someone to give them the lasting protection of your love?
I’d like to think I would. But it's a pretty big ask.
63. Would you like to preserve yourself in a diary for future generations to release?
Not to release no, but I’d like to be able to keep a diary and preserve my awesomeness!
64. Squibs or muggle-borns?
What, who would I rather sleep with? So confused about this question…are we comparing wizards? That’s unfair…
65. Purebloods or Halfbloods?
I'm going to answer this with an icon:
66. Would you survive Azkaban?
It would hard to maintain hope in a place like that. I'd like to think that if I ended up there I'd be innocent rather than guilty and like Sirius, hang on to it.
67. Would you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?
I don’t know…it’s the kind of thing I’d like to do. I’m always up for challenging myself (it’s a new thing I’m trying.) I’d put myself in on the off chance that I get nominated.
68. If there were a prophesy made about you, would you want to hear it?
Oh God. Sharan and I have had this discussion about wanting to know if we were going to die…and I said I wouldn’t want to, because it’s easier to hope if you don’t know. As far as I’m concerned. And I wouldn’t want that to influence my future. It would kill me, not knowing, because I’m insatiably curious, but really, did it do Harry much good? No. Also, chances are it would become self-fulfiling, and I wouldn't want it to colour my future. I like the idea of my future being full of possibilities - that's what keeps my hope alive.
69. Do you believe in divination?
70. Can you see thestrals?
No. (And it would so weird me out to ride one, but it would be the coolest thing ever!)
71. What would the Mirror of Erised show you?
Oh gosh. What do I most desire? More than anything? Probably someone who loves me.
72. Would you kill a unicorn to prolong your life?
No. Couldn’t do it. Wouldn’t want to.
73. Would you have made Dumbledore keep drinking?
I wouldn’t have liked it…but yes, probably.
74. Would you make an Unbreakable Vow?
Wow, that’s, like, a HUGE promise. Like, YOUR LIFE promise. Well, duh, but that's a BIG promise to make. I don't like making promises I can't keep, even if they're not Unbreakable.So the answer is: unlikely and only in extreme circumstances.
75. Who with and for what?
Probably only family and maybe a handful, if that, of really really really good friends. People I know I can trust. People I care about. And only something within my control and ability. Something...quantifiable, if you will.
76. Giants or Mountain Trolls?
Neither? Giants sound kind of lovely though, especially if they're like Grawp. And they seem almost reasonable, if you remember when Hagrid and Madame Maxine went to talk to them on the Continent before the War.
77. What magical plant would you like in your garden?
Mistletoe? (I read a great fanfic where the mistletoe had teeth, a voice and a lot of aggression; it was hilarious) Or, um, gillyweed! I’d love to try that at least once. Imagine being able to breathe underwater! Puffapods sound sweet. I've always been fascinated by the sounds of the Giant Venemous Venus Fly-Trap.
78. What's your favorite quote?
Ahh, way too many, so I'm going to share them all, for your merriment and amusement:
Hermione: Just because you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon doens't mean we all have.
(probably my absolute favourite quote)
(next favourite)
Hermione: "Devil's Snare, Devil's Snare... What did Professor Sprout say? It likes the dark and the damp-"
Harry: "So light a fire!"
Hermione: "Yes - of course - but there's no wood!"
Harry: "Lucky you pay attention in Herbology, Hermione"
Ron: "Yeah, and lucky Harry doesn't lose his head in a crisis - "there's no wood", honestly."
Draco Malfoy: "Azkaban - the wizard's prison, Goyle. Honestly, if you were any slower, you'd be going backwards."
Dumbledore: “And now, Harry, let us chase that flighty temptress adventure."
Fred and George: “You haven't got a letter on yours…I suppose she thinks you don't forget your name. But we're not stupid — we know we're called Gred and Forge.” (those two crack me up)
Harry Potter: "There's no need to call me sir Professor."
The Dursleys:
"Why were you lurking under our window?"
"Yes -- yes, good point, Petunia! What were you doing under our windows, boy?"
"Listening to the news," said Harry in a resigned voice.
His aunt and uncle exchanged looks of outrage.
"Listening to the news! Again?"
"Well, it changes every day, you see," said Harry.
Harry: "But why's she got to go to the library?"
Ron: "Because that's what Hermione does. When in doubt, go to the library."
I tag anyone who wants to, but I think Emma should do it, because she's one of the biggest HP fans I know.
OH MY GOD, this TOTALLY MADE MY DAY!!!!! Here I was, sitting and worrying abotu Tuesday's presentation, and I decide to visit your blog, and THIS IS WHAT I SEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SO well-written. Reminded me of a lot of things that I had forgotten about. And I DO own paraphernelia -- some cards, I JUST remembered. But that's coz some ex-HP fan didn't want them, and gave them to me (apparently, she prefers LOTR now -- I ask, WHY COMPARE?! But I'm not complaining, so =D), I didn't BUY anything.
A Gryffindor dressing gown! HOW PERFECTLY AWESOME!! And how did you find out about the Aussie teams?! Some HP site?
Trust you to make my day, JaG. *insert hugs, sighs and countdowns till Tuesday*
I'm so glad I can make your day, even from so far away! :)
And thank YOU for the thoughtful procrastination fodder! (what a fun word: fodder.) ;) No, really, it's definitely one of the more fun (if exhausting) tags.
I bought the dressing gown and Hedwig, and quite possibly the board game, but I believe the rest were gifts. My parents were very accurate in recognising a phase (that still exists) :D
*hugs back* I have been lamenting our lack of emailing...and when I say OUR I mean MINE because I feel like I haven't sent a proper email in aaages! :( Hopefully I will be able to email before I go to Canberra.
Oh, the Aussie teams info? Something I was reading about Quidditch Through the Ages, apparently there's a list of teams and there are 2 Aussie ones! And a Kiwi one. :) I think Wikipedia will probably be able to help you there...
Luck for your presentation. *fingers crossed*. I know you'll be awesome.
Oh, Harry Potter. ilu <3
I don't think Snape is evil, but he is definitely a selfish asshole and I wouldn't have named any of my kids after him.
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