Saturday, 23 January 2010

JAG 2.0(10)

I don't make New Year's resolutions because if you don't make em, you can't break em. As it was, my NYE was a bust because my parents wouldn't let me spend the night with Gemini, causing major angst and basically ruining my life. I jest (but only with regard to the latter.) It was so frustrating not only because I'm 19 and responsible, but because their reason was that NYE is a family affair, which is ridiculous, because they think NYE is overrated and they went to bed at 10.30pm, leaving my brother and I to stay up to watch the fireworks on TV (and we were IN Sydney!!) Now, you may tell me NYE is NBD (no big deal), but I've never been out for NYE before. Sure, I'm still young, but this time next year I'll be in Hawaii (all factors allowing - my uncle's getting married!!!) and I won't be able to go out (not that I'm complaining, but you see my point.) It wasn't even inconvenient or unsafe - I spent the day in the city with Gem, and then could have stayed the night with her. NYE was only an event, though - it's also about the larger issue of my parents being over-protective and controlling.

But I do have some general aims, such as donating 3 times this year (which I hope to make a regular ambition), stop biting my fingernails, exercise weekly (as in once). I also need to save up some serious money if I want to take a year off next year to travel, work, volunteer, see the world, make a difference, find myself, figure out the meaning of life, etc. Therefore I need to find a job. 

Last year, I decided somewhat at the last minute to run (unopposed) for Vice President of my college student body and won! I didn't intend to be involved with the student club anymore, as this will likely be my final year (in college), and I wanted to take it easy. However, one of the presidential candidates convinced me she wanted me to be her VP, so I agreed. We've got a great exec, so it's going to be a terrific year, and I want to be part of meaningful discussions, collaborations and change in the college this year.

What I'd really like to do this year - more of an aspiration than a goal - is add some of you (the ones I can find!), my blogging friends, on Facebook. This probably doesn't seem like a big deal to most of you, but for me it's not only letting go of my anonymity (to an extent), which can be a very easy shield sometimes, it's getting to know you guys better. When I started writing this blog, I never thought I'd meet so many reliable, caring people I could count as my friends. Because one day, what I'd really like to do, is meet you. 

In the meantime, I've got an itch to write, so if you'd like some genuine Australian snail mail love sent your way, please leave your address in the comment box (if you don't want me to publish the comment, let me know) or email me ( 

Here's to a happy new year! 


Felicity said...

Do you live in Sydney? I <3 Sydney, it's like the best place in the world (apart from Disneyland). Lol.

Hi from NZ btw, I just randomly stumbled upon your blog :)

Sharanya said...

:) :) :)

Though I have to say -- I'm already jealous of all the people who are going to get mail from you! (yes, even of Jdl)

Tina Nandi said...

Welcome back! :D And Happy New Year, isn't it crazy how it's already almost the end of the first month of the new year!??!
Come to India! :D
Oh, and I donated blood for the first time last week! Totally cool :D

jacques du'loque said...

Does this mean you'll stop freaking out when I list just the first letter of your last name, Ms. B?
