Monday, 31 May 2010

20 Good Reasons

I'm 20 today!

A lot of people have said "oh, how awesome, you're not a teenager anymore!" Maybe it's just me, but I don't consider not being a teenager any more a big deal. Maybe this is because a friend explained to me last birthday that I was beginning my 20th year when I turned 19, so I technically wasn't a teenager any more.

Being 20 is kind of exciting though, isn't it - sounds older and more mature, though I'm not going to go on and on about how "old" I am now. Really I still feel quite young (I know I AM, I mean comparatively to my peers) as there are a lot of college kids in second or even first year who are older than me, so this helps keep things in perspective.

We young people (mostly teenagers, I guess) put a ridiculous amount of emphasis on age (omg! you're 20! soooo old! get out the dentures!).

Besides: teenager is just a state of mind.

As Sara put it: "who am I kidding, we'll be up to the same mischief at 90 as we were at 19!" We sure will! :)

To celebrate, I'm listing 20 reasons to smile:
  1. going out for dinner with friends last night. that night was 20 reasons in itself.
  2. chocolate cake.
  3. my friends performing 'You Belong With Me' for my birthday (on piano, bass, electric guitar and voice). isn't that the greatest present ever??
  4. singing along to my favourite Glee songs (which is pretty much all of them).
  5. I finish exams in less than 2 weeks.
  6. my grandmother's coming to visit!
  7. it turns out I look pretty good without hair.
  8. I adjudicated 7 regions in Round 2 and earned $400. score.
  9. writing a comparison between a Disney movie and the original fairy tale for my Medieval literature essay.
  10. only one semester until I graduate!
  11. keeping in touch with my Make Poverty History Road Trip pals
  12. a hot milo on a cold, cloudy Melbourne day.
  13. helping out prep kids with their Monday 9am PE class at the local primary school.
  14. Il Gambero reopened! rejoice, for it's better than ever.
  15. speaking to a certain Indian friend last night at exactly 12am :)
  16. a friend taking a one hour train ride (one way) into the city just for dinner with me.
  17. being on the committee of a student-for-students philanthropy group on campus.
  18. a job interview (last week). hush hush until I know whether I got it!
  19. all manner of pink. stationery. teddy bear. toe socks. love.
  20. fresh flowers in a vase on my desk.


PS: I do realise that someone has atrociously massacred the word disappointed up there. However, the sentiment remains the same.


Arielle said...

Yaaaay Happy Birthday! Another May baby!

sara said...

that quote thing is funky, but i can't read some of them :(

woooo mischief makers! -hi5- :D

ps. HAPPY BIRTHDAY xo (trying to wish you happy bday in every possible medium? :P)

Just Moi said...

I love it!!
Happy Birthday!!
Your page inspires me greatly


Tina Nandi said...

Happy Birthday! 20 is a good place to be! Enjoy it ;)

Sharanya said...

JAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sigh, I've been so lazy, I haven't really done anything online except for check mail, and leave the comp on to download stuff (GLEE EP 21, that's where I am!!! Can't wait for Sectionals! Btw, saw the ranking of Glee men and I TOTALLY DISAGREE, I'm a SCHU person!!) so I've been very bad and have not replied to your emails :( THANK YOU FOR THIS POST, I feel super thrilled and proud on being mentioned here!

SVOTVACS always suck :( I never did anything during mine except watch a LOT of Glee and House :D You're more responsible than me, I know, so you're done with that medieval essay I'm sure (I WANT TO READ! It sounds super interesting)

Will email in some time, off to read some Camus now :) I miss you so much.

Just a girl said...

Thank you all lovelies! :)

S: Ha ha, I should probably rethink that Glee ranking, it changes with every episode. I never used to be a Jesse girl because I thought he was going to break Rachel's heart (which he did, but his ulterior motive could have been worse I suppose), and I'm crushing on Artie quite hard. Since Puck lost the mo, he's not as appealing to me, and Finn - well, he's looking more and more doofy, tbh. But I still love him, because he's so confused. But really - SANTANA??? omglee. unacceptable, Finny D.

Really? Schue?? Then you'll LOVE the Sue/Schue scene in ep 21...

Enjoy 21!!! Season finale is today in the States :( will send you my complete run down on the season soooon!


Just a girl said...

PS: although my appreciation of their hotness also gets mixed up with how much I like them in that sense I'd put Finn ahead of Puck, but Artie ahead of them both, and even though I hate Jesse right now, he's still number 1. :) yes I know, obsessed much? <3
