A lot of people have said "oh, how awesome, you're not a teenager anymore!" Maybe it's just me, but I don't consider not being a teenager any more a big deal. Maybe this is because a friend explained to me last birthday that I was beginning my 20th year when I turned 19, so I technically wasn't a teenager any more.
Being 20 is kind of exciting though, isn't it - sounds older and more mature, though I'm not going to go on and on about how "old" I am now. Really I still feel quite young (I know I AM, I mean comparatively to my peers) as there are a lot of college kids in second or even first year who are older than me, so this helps keep things in perspective.
We young people (mostly teenagers, I guess) put a ridiculous amount of emphasis on age (omg! you're 20! soooo old! get out the dentures!).
Besides: teenager is just a state of mind.
As Sara put it: "who am I kidding, we'll be up to the same mischief at 90 as we were at 19!" We sure will! :)
To celebrate, I'm listing 20 reasons to smile:
- going out for dinner with friends last night. that night was 20 reasons in itself.
- chocolate cake.
- my friends performing 'You Belong With Me' for my birthday (on piano, bass, electric guitar and voice). isn't that the greatest present ever??
- singing along to my favourite Glee songs (which is pretty much all of them).
- I finish exams in less than 2 weeks.
- my grandmother's coming to visit!
- it turns out I look pretty good without hair.
- I adjudicated 7 regions in Round 2 and earned $400. score.
- writing a comparison between a Disney movie and the original fairy tale for my Medieval literature essay.
- only one semester until I graduate!
- keeping in touch with my Make Poverty History Road Trip pals
- a hot milo on a cold, cloudy Melbourne day.
- helping out prep kids with their Monday 9am PE class at the local primary school.
- Il Gambero reopened! rejoice, for it's better than ever.
- speaking to a certain Indian friend last night at exactly 12am :)
- a friend taking a one hour train ride (one way) into the city just for dinner with me.
- being on the committee of a student-for-students philanthropy group on campus.
- a job interview (last week). hush hush until I know whether I got it!
- all manner of pink. stationery. teddy bear. toe socks. love.
- fresh flowers in a vase on my desk.
PS: I do realise that someone has atrociously massacred the word disappointed up there. However, the sentiment remains the same.
Yaaaay Happy Birthday! Another May baby!
that quote thing is funky, but i can't read some of them :(
woooo mischief makers! -hi5- :D
ps. HAPPY BIRTHDAY xo (trying to wish you happy bday in every possible medium? :P)
I love it!!
Happy Birthday!!
Your page inspires me greatly
Happy Birthday! 20 is a good place to be! Enjoy it ;)
JAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sigh, I've been so lazy, I haven't really done anything online except for check mail, and leave the comp on to download stuff (GLEE EP 21, that's where I am!!! Can't wait for Sectionals! Btw, saw the ranking of Glee men and I TOTALLY DISAGREE, I'm a SCHU person!!) so I've been very bad and have not replied to your emails :( THANK YOU FOR THIS POST, I feel super thrilled and proud on being mentioned here!
SVOTVACS always suck :( I never did anything during mine except watch a LOT of Glee and House :D You're more responsible than me, I know, so you're done with that medieval essay I'm sure (I WANT TO READ! It sounds super interesting)
Will email in some time, off to read some Camus now :) I miss you so much.
Thank you all lovelies! :)
S: Ha ha, I should probably rethink that Glee ranking, it changes with every episode. I never used to be a Jesse girl because I thought he was going to break Rachel's heart (which he did, but his ulterior motive could have been worse I suppose), and I'm crushing on Artie quite hard. Since Puck lost the mo, he's not as appealing to me, and Finn - well, he's looking more and more doofy, tbh. But I still love him, because he's so confused. But really - SANTANA??? omglee. unacceptable, Finny D.
Really? Schue?? Then you'll LOVE the Sue/Schue scene in ep 21...
Enjoy 21!!! Season finale is today in the States :( will send you my complete run down on the season soooon!
PS: although my appreciation of their hotness also gets mixed up with how much I like them personality-wise...so in that sense I'd put Finn ahead of Puck, but Artie ahead of them both, and even though I hate Jesse right now, he's still number 1. :) yes I know, obsessed much? <3
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