Thursday, 10 June 2010

The Loveliest Ladies I Know

A long, long time ago, Diana, being the sweetheart that she is, nominated me for the Beautiful Blogger Award. Awww!
On receiving an award you should:
  • Thank the person that nominated you.
  • Copy the award and place it on your own blog.
  • Post a link to nominator.
  • Express seven things about yourself.
  • Nominate seven other bloggers and link them.
A huge thank you and a hug to Diana; you're gorgeous and make me so happy!

Well, you guys know practically all these is to know about me, but here are 7 more things that I could think of:

  1. Last year, I considered giving up laughing for the World Vision 40 Hour Famine. But let's face it, I could never do it. :)
  2. I often wish I could Accio things. Maybe I'm just lazy, but it would be super helpful!
  3. Lately, I've been told I describe things in two ways: "awesome" or "sadface."
  4. When I was younger - maybe 7 or 8? - I took it into my own hands to give my brother a haircut right before my cousin's wedding (my cousin being about 20 years older than me), by cutting his fringe with my craft scissors and hiding the evidence under the couch. My parents noticed.
  5. I've never seen the movie Bambi (I will probably rectify this over the coming holidays.)
  6. My most frightening nightmares have been about missing deadlines and being unprepared for exams. Gosh I'm such a geek!
  7. I went through a bit of a bodice-ripper phase in year 9 and 10. I read some horribly trashy books. Yeah, the kind that look like this:

    They are worse than you can possible imagine. Although being that they were from my local library, they probably weren't quite as steamy/saucy as all that. At least I got it out of my system before I knew to be ashamed of such novels. Pretty sure I'd never go into my library now and touch such a thing. But as my dad says, you have to read the bad to appreciate the good.
I hate nominating people for awards, because I love you all so dearly and your blogs are a reflection of your incredible selves, but here goes...
  1. Emma
    Emma is like my personal movie critic - because I agree with her about so many things, I trust her judgement, and I will go to see a movie just because she recommends it. She says what she thinks, she's super thoughtful and she loves Taylor Swift. If/when we meet, I am certain we will be besties.
  2. Anahita
    Anahita, like me, is a romantic (except she's about a billion times smarter than me, being as she's studying at OXFORD!!!!!) Her blog is a lovely, funny and honest review of music, movies and books. Being British, she has a fantastic sense of humour, as well as an eye for fashion, and a thing for Hugh Laurie. Obviously, she has great taste.
  3. Kayleigh
    She's Scottish, and therefore awesome. Ha ha. She's a frustrated screen-writer in progress, an avid cinephile and has an opinion about everything. She seems to be obsessed with some show called Countdown, because that's all she ever tweets about. ;)
  4. Sara, who went and sneakily got a photoblog without telling me. But I am on to HER.
    So, Sara has an SLR now and fancies herself a photographer. Ha ha. When she went on exchange last year (insert jealousy) she shot for the university newspaper...thing. Now she's back and she's caught the photo bug. Do I even need to say it? Her blog is prettyyyy.
  5. Vini
    She's a lit student, extremely articulate, and her posts are poetry. Here's an example:

    Poppadum, poppadum, po-ppa-dum,
    Please bring our teachers back to school
    We been languishing and anguishing for so long
    And everybody is already down with flu

    Poppadum, poppadum, po-ppa-dum,
    Lure them and cure them of this jam
    We stuck in the middle with a twiddle-thumbing Diddle
    Saying "Later, agitator." What a sham!

    Here's another:
    Hey there, hi
    I seem to know you from long by
    Your memories are like ashes
    From my cigarette last night

    Smoky, hazy, delicate
    Like its flame that rustles, intimate
    You slowly burned the night away
    And glowed in darkness of my love

    Smoke and fire
    Nicotine desire

  6. Tina at her new blog!
    Tina is one of the most cheerful bloggers I know. She always looks on the bright side, and her blog is a collection of smiling memories and sunny observations about life.
  7. Sharanya at her tumblr
    I am so glad she's actively blogging, if not at blogspot anymore! But I hope she will continue to share her unique and beautiful insights on the world around her - that woman has a way with words I can only envy and admire.



sara said...

VERY FUNNY. I was like, ha, you can't nominate me, my blog is PRIVATE. Except I forgot about Rainbow Blend. I should probs go update that, ha.

things that made me lol:
"hiding the evidence under the couch" - now who's the sneaky one? Muah!
"I went through a bit of a bodice-ripper phase in year 9 and 10." - I SO DID NOT KNOW THIS WTF WHAT!!!!!

Just a girl said...

Ha ha. So I was stalking you today (and left you some thoughtful comments, so reply please - chop chop!) and landed on your LJ profile, saw the blogger link, spat out whatever I was eating (no not really, that was just for dramatic effect) and went "OMG WTF????"

But then that made me happy because I can give you the award! YAY!

Plus you know I'm just super jealous of your and your mega-awesome-camera. :D


Sharanya said...


Also, I have a way with words?! Look who's talking!

Ps: TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOUR LIST! I read all those blogs too (except Kayleigh's, am off to discover hers!) and I couldn't agree more. And I discovered them all thanks to you :)

jacques du'loque said...

I'm--I'm not on the list?

Just a girl said...

Actually, I was going to put you on the list, but thought beautiful was the wrong word to describe it. More like artisically amazing? Incessently impressive? The hole concept of "beautiful bloggers" seems a bit gender skewed/implied to me...

If it's any consolation I had a dream about you last night! I know what you're thinking and NO, it was not that kind of dream. You were very nice to me in my dream, for a change. Ha ha, I'm kidding. But it was a very happy dream :)

I hereby bestow upon you the first and only "Jealous Jag" award, beucase your blog inspires such envy and admiration in me :)


Just a girl said...

*it being your blog
*whole, dammit.

Tina Nandi said...

Just saw this! Holy cow, thank you! I'm really not always that sunny in real life but this post has inspired me to keep looking on the bright side :P Thanks again! And you're quite the sunshine person yourself!

bhavini said...

Will breathe and get back to you.

:) you!