The back reads:
Every day ordinary Australian kids hit real problems that stop them achieving their full potential. Like having to go to school without breakfast - or lunch. Like having no decent shoes or proper school uniform. Like not even having the train fare to get them there.
That's where Ardoch comes in. Our philosophy is simple: the longer children stay in school the better their chances of leading happy, productive lives. And making sure that simple, basic needs are met is one way we can encourage and help them to reach their potential.
There are many ways that you can help Ardoch help Aussie kids.
You can find out more and donate at: www.ardoch.asn.au
Wow. What a powerful postcard. The predicament on the back reminds me of the situation of most students at a local primary school in a demographically impoverished suburb near my boarding school. In year 11 I joined a student-run charity that raised money for a local/national cause. We chose to support this school, and raised $24,000 through fundraising and a sponsored run to buy them a bus, so that they could travel to other school for sports competitions, go on excursions and the like. There was a teacher whose wife worked at this primary school, and she was telling us about how badly off the children were, and the way she described them is pretty much what this postcard says.
Just a girl
Breakfast IS so necessary. I;m glad you're helping out in whatever way you can.
Being the ignorant American that I am, I never would've thought something like that could happen in a place like Australia. I mean, I know it happens here. But I think of Australia as a bustling city, to-die-for accents, and lush greenery. Don't know why I thought that. Every town and every country has to deal with stuff like this, I guess you just don't think about the other side of it.
Really a good idea..But in my country the started this 30 years back.
I wonder why we don't have charities like that for students in LA, 'cause lord knows a lot of them need it.
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