Emma tagged me yonks ago, but I haven't gotten around to thinking about it until now.
1. Pick a single person past or present who works in the film industry who you'd like to have dinner with and tell us why you chose this person.
Ooh. I'm tempted to pick any one of my favourite female actresses - Ellen Page, Reese Witherspoon, Racheal McAdams, Julia Stiles - or even one of my male crushes - Adam Brody, Jared Padalecki, Ryan Gosling - but my Gossip Girl infatuation begs me to choose Leighton Meester. She's my favourite character & actress on the show, I think she's gorgeous, she's got a whole lotta potential and I think she'd be an absolutely awesome galpal.
2. Set the table for your dinner. What would you eat? Would it be in a home or at a restaurant? And what would you wear? Feel free to elaborate on the details.
I know Blair is classy, but I can imagine Leighton as a slumber party kind of girl. I reckon we'd have a kick ass time. Order pizza, snuggle up on the couch, talk about guys and watch a movie.
On the other hand, this chick has style. If we went out, I'd take her to Nobu, because the food there is absolutely fantastic. Then we could hit the casino/clubs for a wild night of fun! As to what I’d wear – well if it isn’t my nicest pjs (PA) it would probably be my black and white polka dot dress, because it’s cute and dressy and perfect for going out! Leighton, of course, would wear something fabulous and designer.
3. List five thoughtful questions you would ask this person during dinner.
01. If you could be any role in any film, play or TV show of all time, what would it be and why?
02. What’s the scariest part of acting? And the hardest?
03. Do you see your future in films or the industry? What are your life ambitions?
04. Who are your acting idols? Why?
05. In real life, could you ever see yourself falling in love with characters like Chuck or Nate? Or have you? Why/why not?
4. When all is said and done, select six bloggers to pass this meme along to. Link back to Lazy Eye Theatre, so that people know the mastermind behind this Meme.
Sara, Diana, Cordie, Julia, Miss Snow, Gaby
Just a girl
1. Pick a single person past or present who works in the film industry who you'd like to have dinner with and tell us why you chose this person.
Ooh. I'm tempted to pick any one of my favourite female actresses - Ellen Page, Reese Witherspoon, Racheal McAdams, Julia Stiles - or even one of my male crushes - Adam Brody, Jared Padalecki, Ryan Gosling - but my Gossip Girl infatuation begs me to choose Leighton Meester. She's my favourite character & actress on the show, I think she's gorgeous, she's got a whole lotta potential and I think she'd be an absolutely awesome galpal.
2. Set the table for your dinner. What would you eat? Would it be in a home or at a restaurant? And what would you wear? Feel free to elaborate on the details.
I know Blair is classy, but I can imagine Leighton as a slumber party kind of girl. I reckon we'd have a kick ass time. Order pizza, snuggle up on the couch, talk about guys and watch a movie.

3. List five thoughtful questions you would ask this person during dinner.
01. If you could be any role in any film, play or TV show of all time, what would it be and why?
02. What’s the scariest part of acting? And the hardest?

03. Do you see your future in films or the industry? What are your life ambitions?
04. Who are your acting idols? Why?
05. In real life, could you ever see yourself falling in love with characters like Chuck or Nate? Or have you? Why/why not?
4. When all is said and done, select six bloggers to pass this meme along to. Link back to Lazy Eye Theatre, so that people know the mastermind behind this Meme.
Sara, Diana, Cordie, Julia, Miss Snow, Gaby
Just a girl
AHH, a long post :) I LOVE Adam Brody. I think it's awful that he and Rachel Bilson broke up :'(
Keep blogging!
Oooh, I like Blair/Leighton, too! She's really gorgeous, right? ;)
Right on! I'm so glad you got round to this, and Leighton Meester would make an amazing dinner guest. She is just the epitome of style. & she is too gorgeous.
Good choice! I see your tag and raise you a Harry Potter star...hmm...who could that be? :P
Glad to see you're still active!
xoxo (Gossip Girl)
Cool, choice. Haven't seen the show but she's so pretty. I feel really snobby about the choice I made on my tag - I chose a film composer!
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