Death is but the next great adventure.*
I don't know where I sit on this one; I haven't thought about it all that much.
But being the atheist that I am, I've never really believed in an afterlife. I believe we simply die.
I love the stories of the Egytian afterlife, although I don't know if I'd want to be a part of it.
The whole reincarnation thing is pretty cool. If you could come back as anyone or anything, who/what would you be?**
*I know I have some hardcore fans so tell me, which BOOK is this quote from?!
**I realise that, sadly, it doesn't work like this.
meh harry potter. easy one :P
I don't know....I do believe there is an after life. I'm a christian...well sort of. the sort of cristian that believes in evolution lol, but I still do believe the principles of christianity. I am having a very hard time wrestling with the whole anyone-who-isn't-a-christian-goes-to-hell idea I really don't know in that respect. I'd like to believe that everyone that's good goes to heaven and anyone that isn't sort of keeps trying to be good until they do get in, either in some other after life, or through reincarnation or something. but that's not how the bible says it works unfortunately. but the bible's version is just so horribley miserable...
tough question...
Book 1 :)
And you should like, print the AWOWs out and stick em on your college wall. They're so thought provoking.
...Yeah, I owe you an email. You'll get one this weekend, I PROMISE. Friday night, even. I'll stay in and write you some florid prose.
You'll love it and come to America just to be with me.
Or maybe you'll just smile.
I can settle for the latter.
P.S. I got "khorling" as my word, which would make an awesome sci-fi/fantasy name, if I wrote either.
I would be a cheetah. they've got it made... even though they are endangered. And habitat loss. Ok so if your a cheetah who can outsmart poachers you've got it made.
Yay to everyone who picked the quote! Classic, no? One of my favourite lines. That and "Let us step out into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure," another Dumbledore quote. Great man. =)
L: I may be swinging by your neck of the woods sooner than you think. Watch this space.
You're an atheist?
This is even better than finding five bucks on the sidewalk.
Dude, they totally used that line in Hook before Harry Potter was even published.
There's a similar quote in Peter Pan - "To die would be a great adventure." Such a beautiful tale. Get your hands on the original tale. Shame you're anonymous, I wanted to send you an Xmas pressie, I'm doing that this year with my net friends.
I'm an athiest too, i'm not scared of death, more wasting my life. There's a quote in Fraiser that Roz says:
"My grandmother died at the age of 94 (give or take, can't exactly remember) surrounded by her family and on her deathbed she told me 'It's never enough time.'"
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