I, JAG, picked a major I like. However, I believe (one day) I WILL BE SUCESSFUL and refuse to succumb to others' perception that I will fail and end up living in a cardboard box. I resent your pessimism (communitcations & business majors) for I am an arts/theatre/voice/cinema/music/art/photography/philosophy/creative writing/english major & I am optimistic. I shall find employment... one day.
Besides, how hard could it be?

Besides, how hard could it be?
So what if I end up living in a cardboard box? I'll make it out of books!

They build 'em tough these days, I hear.
They build 'em tough these days, I hear.
Good for you! I wish that i was mildly less greedy so I could pick some major I adore instead of one that I'm just ok with. granted idk what the major I adore is
Thanks! =) What is your major?
probably dental hygiene. but really i'm not positive. I'm running out of time to decide
English Lit is the best :)
I plan to study literature and French next year when I'm at university, and learn something like philosophy/psychology/Spanish or Japanese on the side :P
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