This is a reproduction of a poster from, I don't know, the early 1900s in Australia that was part of a calendar printed last year in Victoria to celebrate 100 years of womens' vote. It's a powerful, inspiring and generally awesome picture, although I notice that her clothing is pretty skimpy...
Never underestimate girl power!
the attack of the 50 foot woman I think...
cool postcard :D xxx
JAG! We're doing THE sleepover, watching Sweet Home Alabama..and I'm missing you so much :'( :'( I watched The Castle and LOVED it! Thank you SO much for it!!!!!! Also heard some Ben Lee and Missy Higgins...he's cool in a very SEXY way, and she's just...DIVINE! ARGHHH! Thank YOU!
Also, you wish love were as obvious as it is in the movies...LOVE?!?!?! Is it LOVE, JAG?!
Gosh, I need to talk to you about this! Tomorrow!
Ps: Don't accept this as a comment, unless you want to. Gmail lane is closed, so had to do it here..LOVE you! Take care, ok?
NO S, (excitable as always), it's not LOVE, I just used it as an umbrella term for any kind of like or lust or crush. ;-) I did just watch Anastacia after all, and it was like a lovely girl sleepover! *Sighs wistfully* I miss you too! But I'm super glad you liked the movie, the characters make you want to cringe a little in their bogan stereotype but it's hilarious. Ha ha. I ♥ Ben Lee and Missy Higgins. =)
LOL. I LOVE stuff like this. I am woman, hear me roar!
this is awesome. i love that shes wearing skimpy clothes--why not show it off AND prove a point?
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