I have been spoiled rotten by my friends and family. Thanks to everyone for the cards, the packages, the gifts, the texts, the calls, the emails, the hugs, the shouts across the room, and, of course, the singing.
Thanks especially to the people who aren't here but were thinking of me.
I won't go through my presents one by one, but the highlights were:
- Gold Tiffany's heart necklace from my grandmother
- Colour printer/scanner from my parents (received on exeat)
- External hard drive from my brother (received on exeat)
Which is not to say all my other presents weren't equally gorgeous; they were. I love them all.
A thought occurred to me today that I didn't necessary turn 17 at 12:01 last night (if I wanted to be pedantic about it). I actually turned 17 at 9.28 this morning. But my point remains the same.
Recieved an email today detailing my age in various units and my characteristics according to my birthday:
Age in years: 17.00
Age in months: 204
Age in days: 6,206
Age in hours: 148,933
Age in minutes: 8,935,969
Age in seconds: 536,158,162
Age in milliseconds: 53,615,816,235
Age in weeks: 43,439
You born on: Thursday*
*How cool is that? I was actually born 17 years ago today.
Apparently I am:
* Stubborn and hard-hearted >> well, stubborn, yes
* Strong-willed and highly motivated >> pretty much!
* Sharp thoughts >> little random, but I guess so...
* Easily angered >> sometimes
* Attracts others and loves attention >> who doesn't love attention? and can I help it if I'm charismatic? (though that's arguable)
* Deep feelings >> again, random...
* Beautiful physically and mentally >> can't argue with that!! but mentally...?!
* Firm standpoint >> on what?
* Easily influenced >> by chocolate, yes...
* Needs no motivation >> generally speaking
* Easily consoled >> most of the time
* Systematic (left brain) >> what, my left brain is systematic?
* Loves to dream >> it's true
* Strong clairvoyance >> ok, so NOT true!!
* Understanding >> I try...
* Sickness usually in the ear and neck >> that's just weird
* Good imagination >> yep; that's why I like writing poetry, stories etc
* Good debating skills >> so true!! that's why I debate and coach middle school debating...and argue so much!!
* Good physical >> yeah, I try to keep fit
* Weak breathing >> that's plain wrong. who wrote this?
* Loves literature and the arts >> yep, dead on!
* Loves traveling >> absolutely. so whoever wrote gets it very right, or very wrong!!
* High spirited >> erm...not sure...depends how much chocolate I've had
* Spendthrift >> I can be...
And in other funny news: heard this comment at breakfast from a boy to a girl as he was walking past: "hey, long time no bitch!" I think it's so hilarious - especially coming from a boy.
And in academic news: I have finished my Extended Essay! All 4000 words - finally! Except that I've realised I didn't correct something on the first page and have to print it again. It's such a relief. More about that when I've washed my hands of it completely tomorrow morning after I hand it in.
Still finding it hard to believe I'm 17. 17 has all those connotations - it's sexier than 16, more cosmopolitan; 17 is like the epitome of teenage femininity - it (to me) embodies grace, style, knowledge, confidence and that border between the innocence and naivety of 16 and the self-important maturity of 18.
See why it's hard to believe - am I really any of those things?
Plus, I'm still "sweet 17, never been kissed."
B'day wish - amend the above with certain crush!
Just a girl