Friday 25 May 2007

This bitch is back

Haven't blogged in a while - exeat was last weekend, and the weeks before were a bit hectic. And I've been a bit slack (can't colour the truth.)

Tonight I've been sending this letter to editors around the US (and I'm Australian...ha ha) via One. I'm personally quite proud of it, though chunks of it were copied from the original One letter (the facts - can you tell?) This is it:

The One Campaign

What is the power of one? The power of one vote? The power of one letter? The power of one call?

Combined, every ONE vote, every ONE letter, every ONE call makes a difference. Together, ONE campaigners have urged our leaders to introduce measures against poverty, such as the U.S. Commitment to Global Child Survival Act, which was introduced in the House and Senate. This bill promotes the use of effective, affordable preventative measures such as immunization, antibiotics, clean drinking water and vitamin supplements, which would save the lives of almost 30,000 children that are currently dying every day from preventable, treatable diseases such as diarrhea, pneumonia and measles.

Furthermore, the Education for All Act is being introduced, which would expand access to education by training teachers, building infrastructure, promoting life skills training as well as supporting initiatives that reach the most disadvantaged populations, where almost 77 million children worldwide lack access to basic education up to the sixth grade.

The ONE campaign is about saving lives, one vote, one letter, one call at a time. Because we believe that every child deserves to live and every child deserves an education.

The power of one is the power of one person to raise their voice on behalf of those who cannot be heard. The power of one is to become ONE: to visit, to vote, to write, to call and to encourage our leaders to change the world.

I sent it to the Honolulu Advertiser, Honolulu Star-Bulletin and the New York Times. Will it be published? I can only hope...(though realistically, my chances are slim. Will they increase if I send it more than once, or will that just piss the editors off?)

And would you look at that? Blogger just auto saved my draft. Finally, after all my lost drafts...

Just a girl

[EDIT: I've also sent my letter to the New York Daily News, New York Post and the Wall Street Journal. Have I increased my chances of getting published? *snort* I doubt it! But it's worth a try...]

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