This ad, part of the TAC's Anti-Speeding campaign, always makes me cry.
So do this one, which is stupid, because it's not even supposed to be sad, it's got a happy ending.
Just a girl
This ad, part of the TAC's Anti-Speeding campaign, always makes me cry.
So do this one, which is stupid, because it's not even supposed to be sad, it's got a happy ending.
Just a girl
That night we went out for dinner at Elua, a new restaurant in town. It's run by two chefs, one French, one Italian, and the menu is divided between the two, which was really interesting and worked quite well. It was rather empty that night, so the service was pretty good. Our waiter was fairly chatty, recommending dishes and discussing American Gangster, which my uncle had just seen. The food was excellent; my dessert was this wonderful chocolate concoction that was chocolate upon chocolate surrounded by chocolate. What more could you want?
Coming up on 'You Know What I Did Last Summer:' Thanksgiving!
Just a girl
Agree? Disagree? Live in one of these cities and beg to differ? Going to Melbourne Uni I would have to say that university & Melbourne life is pretty fantastic. Campus is so close to the city which oh-so-convenient for shopping, movies, exhibitions and general fun&cultural experiences, there's always something on, the uni hosts boasts religious debates, political discussions and current affairs lectures just about every other week, there are various skiing and hiking trips to be had, it's very diverse/international - MUOSS has a pretty strong presence, there's Spanish plays and Chinese theatre - college sport is pretty big, and if you came for the academics, The Uni is always telling reminding us they used to be ranked 'No 1 in Australia, No 19 in the world;' they've slipped somewhat since, though, and who knows what the Melbourne Model will do for it's reputation.
No. 4 though? Hmm...I guess Melbourne is the world's most livable city (or so they say.) I would totally rate New York (and Paris) above Melbourne, but I suppose there aren't too many universities that are actually in NYC. But I guess I can't really compare, having never lived/studied there (maybe one day!) The cities I'm considering for exchange - Philadelphia and Boston - are up there, so that's encouraging.
First exam tomorrow - espaรฑol.
Just a girl
We loved...
We read...
We listened to...
Growing up in Australia in the 90s was rad. Who would have thought you'd miss the 90s so much?
Just a girl
It was part of the DS (different but the same) campaign by the Melbourne University Overseas Students' Service during International Week back in April. I think the message is so great, and portrayed really well, in such a simple yet effective (and humourous) way.
Here's another, part of the same campaign, bearing a similar message in the same great way:
I'm not sure which one is my favourite - probably the second one, because I like the message more - but I think they're both very powerful, and equally important.
Just a girl
Later on the Big Day I met up with my parents to watch my brother's soccer game. We spent the afternoon opening presents, which was tres exciting. Among other things, I scored received
It's an Asus, and really, really nice! Large screen, Vista, super fast...ah, what a machine. I'm not actually using it right now, because I have to set up the internet, but never fear, I will be soon. Expect speedy blogging!
We went out to dinner at a surprise restaurant - a stray from tradition, usually I pick the place - which turned out to be Nobu, one of Robert De Niro's restaurants down at Crown Casino. Hands down, one of the best places I have eaten at, ever. I would rate it next to Alan Wong's, one of my favourite restaurants ever. It's Japanese style, and every place was delectable, be it sashimi, fish, beef or sushi. Yum.
Afterwards, we wandered around the Casino (I was ID'd at the check point, and the security guy wished me a happy birthday.) Well, everyone except my younger brother, of course. Poor guy. Didn't bet or play anything - wouldn't know how except for blackjack - although I had a go on the pokies. Lost most of whatever I put in.
Over the week, I've had happy birthday sung to me 8 times (including repeats), 5 times in person and 3 times over the phone. Thank you to everyone who did, who sang over the phone and texted in the wee hours of the morning.
I didn't get shitfaced, or order a drink when we went out, and I won't apologise for that. It irks me that people seem to think I should have, as if it somehow validates my age or legality. I don't mind having a drink now and again (and I did!) but I don't happen to like the taste. And, for once, I take pride in having not drunk myself silly yet. That can wait. As a friend said to me, "now you can do all the things you probably wouldn't have anyway."
And my parents said: "we'll be begging you to drink, and begging your brother not to!" (for the record, he doesn't drink, but he's less about moderation than I am.)
How does it feel to be 18? Old. Good. Satisfying.
Just a girl