Boston was lovely and gorgeous and I adored it. It rained the whole week we were there, but no biggie - it'd been raining the whole month of June. We visited Harvard and Salem and on our free day, some of us were lucky enough to get tickets to Fenway Park!!! Which was, like, WOW. Definitely one of the highlights. Another was meeting my great Aunt (actually my grandmother's cousin). More on all that later. But I loved Boston. I could picture myself living there or studying there.
New York was full on and fabulous. There were fireworks on Fourth of July, fantastic shopping, 5th Avenue, Gossip Girl spotting, gospel, and non-stop fun times. NYC is what we affectionately refer to as "the city we didn't sleep in."
Washington DC was suits and crappy metro and manicured lawns. Georgetown was my favourite part of DC, absolutely beautiful. DC is very nice, peaceable and calm (esp compared to the hubub of NYC), all libraries and art galleries (free!) and parks and coffee shops; my kind of city (except Boston stole my heart.)
Photos and anecdotes to come! Hopefully over the break; I get two weeks off over September, but I'm going to Canberra (you laugh - it's for the National Student Leadership Forum) and then SYDNEY to visit Gemini! Happiness and much goofiness will ensue.
And to visit me - thank you very much! Must not forget.
Im so happy you loved it here JAG! please come back soon :)
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