Friday 27 July 2007


I couldn't think of a more apt title for this post.

It's been a funny day - as in funny ha ha, not funny peculiar (love that expression). I've been laughing at everything, from Neighbours' TC new look, to our English class discussion (which was unsupervised by a teacher), to Harry Potter 1 on audio tape (I swear it's funnier on tape)...

But the funniest thing would have to be this, my result from a Sparknotes King Lear quiz (I'm revising, OK? It was an easy quiz anyway):

You got 25 out of 25 correct. (That's 100%.)

Do they think I'm stupid? The brackets seem to imply that I can't do math (half right, but I can calculate simple percentages!) Seriously...hilarious, though.

Just a girl

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Neighbours' new look is gross, I hate it.

You don't happen to have a pic of your formal dress by any chance...?