(I know, how very Gossip Girl.)
I've always wanted to go to a masquerade ball, and this was my chance, as my good friend B* does infomatics, and the ISSS Ball was masquerade-themed!

(jdl asked what infomatics is. Apparently, "information systems is the study of the application and use of information technology - hardware, software, networks, and database - by individuals and organisations." The way I understand it is computer science/engineering/software.)
It was mostly my fault that we caught the wrong tram down Victoria Ave, and that it didn't pass in front of Albert Park. It didn't help that we also got fined (for f---'s sake) for not carrying our concession cards whilst riding on concession tickets. If we get fined - and there's a pretty good chance we will - it's $168.
On top of that we subsequently missed our stop, but we soon figured out which one it was, and walked down to Albert by the Lake, which is a really nice venue.
So, once we got over our angsty journey there, we had a really good time!
My mask! Bought for $2.50 from a variety shop; feathers $3 each from Spotlight
We didn't know anyone on our table - I think they were all 2nd and 3rd years - but that was OK, because they were pretty nice. B knew a few classmates, and I - funnily enough - knew another girl in 3rd year who doesn't do infomatics but came with a friend as well!
My mask found a friend! B and I went mask shopping on Monday, and nearly bought the silver mask (left) to go with my dress!
There were prizes for best and most interesting masks. The tallest guy in the room - a first year, who B knew, was wearing a Lance Franklin mask, which was pretty funny.
During the first two courses there was live music, which was pretty good, before the DJ started spinning some tunes and the dancing began. I ended up dancing with - and meeting - a few people I didn't know, as B was, well, otherwise engaged...
We left around 11.30, before the after party began. Apparently it wasn't that good anyway. And we caught a cab, so we wouldn't get lost (or fined) a second time. But it was all worth it.
In other super-exciting news...the Changeover Dinner was last night in college, when the new Student Executive members are announced...and I WON ARTS/CULTURAL REP!! Voting is just a popularity vote, so I didn't think I'd win (though of course I hoped I might); I thought the second year, who'd run for A/C rep last year as well - would get it. So I was thrilled to get it. After the dinner, all the Student Exec - new and old - went to the pub (first time I'd been) just across the road. Apparently you're supposed to buy the previous exec rep in your position drinks for the night (and vice versa), but thankfully, the previous a/c rep wasn't there. I say thankfully because, as much as I dearly love her, and she's so much fun, I wouldn't have liked to be drinking. It was bad enough that the old exec made us drink a "changeover shot" - I have no idea what it was, but it tasted like detergent.
I'm not sure if it's really sunk in yet though. As someone said to me, "it won't sink in until you have to start doing stuff." In any case, I'm really, really happy about it. And I'm trying to forget about that bloody fine.
Tonight we're going out for a friend's 20th. It's going to be awesome.
During the first two courses there was live music, which was pretty good, before the DJ started spinning some tunes and the dancing began. I ended up dancing with - and meeting - a few people I didn't know, as B was, well, otherwise engaged...
We left around 11.30, before the after party began. Apparently it wasn't that good anyway. And we caught a cab, so we wouldn't get lost (or fined) a second time. But it was all worth it.
In other super-exciting news...the Changeover Dinner was last night in college, when the new Student Executive members are announced...and I WON ARTS/CULTURAL REP!! Voting is just a popularity vote, so I didn't think I'd win (though of course I hoped I might); I thought the second year, who'd run for A/C rep last year as well - would get it. So I was thrilled to get it. After the dinner, all the Student Exec - new and old - went to the pub (first time I'd been) just across the road. Apparently you're supposed to buy the previous exec rep in your position drinks for the night (and vice versa), but thankfully, the previous a/c rep wasn't there. I say thankfully because, as much as I dearly love her, and she's so much fun, I wouldn't have liked to be drinking. It was bad enough that the old exec made us drink a "changeover shot" - I have no idea what it was, but it tasted like detergent.
I'm not sure if it's really sunk in yet though. As someone said to me, "it won't sink in until you have to start doing stuff." In any case, I'm really, really happy about it. And I'm trying to forget about that bloody fine.
Tonight we're going out for a friend's 20th. It's going to be awesome.
A masquerade!! Niceeee!!
Other than the getting fined part , I am sure it was lots of fun!
Masquerades are not that common where I come from !
CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is SO great! Enjoy thyself, fair maiden :)
Only a former prison colony would call "information technology" infomatics.
Yes, I realize that doesn't make sense-- I just like making fun of Australia.
But sounds fun, and I have to say, I've never been to a masquerade before. I thought they only still did them in productions of "Phantom of the Opera."
I like your mask. tis pretty-ful! :D
I can't believe you got fined though, yuck. most people I know who've gotten fined for that got around it by saying they lost their old one and were in the process of getting a new one. you could try that, it seems to work most of the time? xx
A masquerade ball!!! How fun is that? The last one I went to was in Vegas and I went as Niobe (Jada Pinkett-Smith's character in "The Matrix" movies). Became a finalist, but didn't win. It was fun. Glad you had a good time and here's to hoping you don't get fined. I'm not understanding the concept, but still...
Oooh, I've always wanted to go to one, as well!
Speaking of Phantom...a disturbingly well-coordinated spontaneous musical number is in progress for our next masked blogosphere ball, right?
Wow, we should TOTALLY have one of those. In, like, SecondLife or something. or IMVU, amusingly.
Masquerades remind me more of Maire Antoinette than Gossip Girl, but hey, whatever.
I hope you had a brilliant time - sounds like it!
I can't believe I've forgotten to tell you, but for our graduation party thing, our theme is Masquerade!! And we've got the most amazing location: go to this site (http://studentmaklarna.se/lokaler.php?size=250) and click on the small squares on the first one - gyllene cirkeln and you'll know what I'm talking about :P
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