Tuesday 23 September 2008

“A social experiment with lipstick”

One of my favourite writers for The Age, who has a television review column on the back page of the A2 which is always funny and usually insults Channel 9’s pathetic attempts to gain ratings, wrote a fantastic article last week that basically sums up all my views on Sarah Palin.

She’s Catherine Deveny, and she’s not afraid to speak her mind.

“I found myself checking out Palin Facebook groups last night. The ones that amused me included: Excuse Me, But Has Anyone Else Noticed That Sarah Palin Is Insane? My Dog Is More Qualified To Be Vice-President Than Sarah Palin. Sarah Palin Is A Bona Fide Whack Job. Librarians Against Sarah Palin. I Would Have Sex With, But Not Vote For, Sarah Palin. And: I Would Rather Have A Mentally Challenged Goat AS VP Than Sarah Palin.”

“Shooting, hunting, God-fearing, anti-abortion, book-banning, homophobic, white trash moron…Palin is a writer’s dream. I wish I had the imagination to invent her…The only problem with Sarah Palin is that she’s real.”

“I have two long-held beliefs. First, people should have to pass an intelligence test before they’re allowed to vote and second, that the rest of the world should be able to vote in the US elections because the outcome affects us as much as them. If not more.”



jacques du'loque said...

I wanted to write something sardonic here, I really did. But this post, and an article about the financial crisis I'm reading, just kinda make me wanna cry.


P.S. Wait, no, I have a bag of cookies here.

Q said...


There are no words.

Also, my dad may or may not show up for a political mock-debate in Sarah Palin drag. Be sure to watch for updates on this.

Anonymous said...

I'm not really into politics, but I've heard about her antics through my coworker. It always amazes me how stuff like this rises to the surface. Too bad people don't do background checks before running for office.

Sharanya said...

Gosh, this is freaky. I was thinking the same thing (and NOT for the first time) last week, about how the whole world should have a say in the US elections, because damnit, it affects EVERYONE! Look at the giant economic collapse that they've had..and we're the ones losing jobs here!