Thursday 16 April 2009

Credit Where Credit's Due

Credits are usually synonymous with that really boring bit at the end of a film where the filmmakers are obligated to acknowledge every single person who ever helped with, touched, or brought coffee to those making the film while the audience files out, discussing in loud voices whether or not they liked it. In short, credits suck and are universally ignored. Well, with the exception of people like my parents, who like to sit and watch them to pick out the actors they know so they can say "ah! I thought so." In fact, the only purpose credits serve for me are telling me the awesome song they played during the love scene so that I can download buy it later.

But some credits are truly awesome (this is usually a Disney/Pixar phenomenon) and actually enjoyable. I think this serves not only to consolidate a good film (so that you walk out of the theatre singing or generally feeling hyped up and happy) but also draws attention where, perhaps, it is most deserved. These are some of my favourites and most memorable (it is no surprise that these are also some of my favourite films):

I couldn't find a clip of the Madagascar credits (the first film), but they were played to this song, so enjoy:


1 comment:

Sharanya said...

Oh, I completely agree with you where the credits logic is concerned. My dad and I stay back for the same reason as your parents do- to check if we're right about the actors :-) And if the credits are interesting, then the audience stays back too.

I know I've said it in my email, but the download (strike) buy thing? It made me laugh so hard! Gosh, I HAVE missed you :-)