Association Meme: Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your blog and elaborate on the subjects given.
James and the Giant Peach and Babe were the first films I saw in a cinema. I can vaguely remember them. I wasn't much of an avid movie-goer until boarding school, when I had the opportunity to go out for weekends and chose the films I wanted to see. Melbourne used to have more cinemas in the CBD, but then Village moved to Crown and the Lumiere shut down...that said, there's a pretty fantastic collection of both commercial and art house cinemas here, which is great. The one about two blocks from campus shows quite a lot of foreign/alternative but also some mainstream, which is hugely convenient. And it's a nice cinema. I can appreciate a cinema, but I'm not fussy about where I see a film, whether it's on a TV or a tiny laptop screen (although obviously I prefer sans ads.)

I like a film that keeps me wondering, where I can't see when the end is coming. I hate a really predictable cliche. I want to be surprised, shocked, intrigued. Movies are less about plot these days - it's all revealed in the trailer anyway - and more about the BOOM. The FX. The soundtrack. The lead star. The sex scene. It's a sad day. Which is why I love films like Match Point and American Beauty.
Also? Wanted was TERRIBLE.

Old films are some of the best films ever made. EVAH. How dare you say otherwise. HITCHCOCK WAS MASTER.
Then there are the Christmas darlings, like Miracle on 34th St and It's a Wonderful Life. I mean, they just don't make 'em like that any more. Sentimental, meaningful, familial - a classic is a movie that doesn't age, and I could watch these every Christmas.
Musicals are wonderful. They're delightful, charming, feel-good, and whimsical. Plus, you know, THE SONGS. Perhaps my favourite musical ever is Phantom of the Opera. It's just so beautiful.
I. CAN'T. STAND. HORROR. Enough said.
What's your take on previews? Some people love 'em, some hate 'em.
Love previews. And The Constant Gardener is my favourite film ever.
Sound of Music is my absolute favourite!!
I like previews, they get me all geared up to watch the movie!
Oh my god was just re-reading this post. How can you not love Four Weddings and a Funeral?!?!
i hate horror films
i see no point in them
and yeah american beuaty is one of my all time fav films. Its brill :)
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