I now have an insane insatiable desire to watch the Social Network, and a competing need to watch The Princess Diaries, because I am currently reading the book.
There's a fairly sweet performance of Somewhere Over the Rainbow from some young school kids from Staten Island. That's nice.
Steven Spielberg reminds us that many great films - such as Grapes of Wrath and the Graduate - did not win Best Picture. A beautiful montage is played to the sound of Firth's final speech and it is insanely fitting.
Oh God. I really can't decide who I want to win. Remember last year when we had filler nominations like Avatar and District 9, well this year, none of these films didn't belong here. If that makes sense. They're all just so amazing-
AND THE OSCAR GOES TO THE KING'S SPEECH!!!!!!!! 12 nominations, 4 wins (best screenplay, best director, best actor and best picture).

And the music starts before even two of them have finished...they're really trying to rush them! Only three got to speak! Gee thanks for letting them appreciate the moment Academy!
TBH, I'm not sure how I feel about this...I was sitting here trying to decide who I wanted to win (indecisive as always) and as soon as The King's Speech was announced I felt, well, disappointed. Don't get me wrong - I LOVED the film, who didn't? But I guess I just feel that films like Winters Bone (which never really stood a chance), True Grit, 127 Hours, The Fighter, The Black Swan are just better, and I'm trying to figure out why I think so. I think it's because as a cinematic experience goes, these films leave a lasting imprint about the human condition (and that's what truly great films are made of) - yes, The King's Speech obviously speaks to us (pun intended) in the same way, about resilience, doubt, family, and friendship but I guess those gritty, more intense, darker, morbid films leave more of an impression. The King's Speech (obviously more powerful because it's based on a true story) feels similar to when Slumdog won - the Academy loves a feel-good story because, yes, it makes you feel happy. The King's Speech renews your optimism in life. But I feel like a more complex film that challenges us and changes our perception (consider how the Black Swan has become a major talking point - no one comes out of that film feeling the same way as they went in) should be given the credit it deserves.
Anne's first stumble as she introduces Sandra Bullock. She says "hola" to Javier Bardem (Biutiful), asks Jeff Bridges to give someone else a chance to win Best Actor, tells Jesse Eisenberg she's waiting for his friend request on Facebook, waves at Colin Firth, the only man who could have done justice to such a story, and who could have performed it to the Queen's liking (he tries his very hardest not to look smug), and reminds James he's the number 1 reason kids get picked up late from school - their mothers are watching General Hospital. Damn he is looking FINE and HUMBLE.

COLIN FIRTH! King's Speech take the lead and ties with Inception at 3 Oscars each. Social Network falls behind with 2. It's a very close horse race everyone. Colin confesses "I have a feeling my career's just peaked." He struggles on the verge of tears, but manages not to spill. Bravo Colin, bravo.
Jeff Bridges pay a sincere compliment (with his beautiful gruff intonation) to each of the Best Actress nominations.
Annette Bening - The Kids Are Alright - god she was fantastic!
Nicole Kidman - Rabbit Hole - probably is her best and most tear-jerking performance to date
Jennifer Lawrence - Winters Bone - what an incredible, intense, awe-inspiring acting debut
Natalie Portman - Black Swan - this film is just too much for words. Natalie is just divine.
Michelle Williams - Blue Valentine - what a raw performance.
They're all mind-blowing - it really could be any of them!
But it's NATALIE PORTMAN - finally Black Swan wins!!!! And she gets the biggest cheer of all so far. LOOK SHE'S SO LOVELY AND PREGNANT. "This is insane!" She's weeping. Blame the hormones.

I notice that they don't DARE play any music over Natalie Portman while she's speaking.
Anyone else think Anne is looking a little cyborg - beautiful, but robotic - in her blue gown?
Hillary Swank introduces Kathryn Bigelow (the first woman to win Best Director!!) to announce the same award. Will this set the tone for Best Picture? ZOMG WHO WILL IT BE?
KS: 2
SN: 2
Inception: 3
Where's your money peeps?
Tom Hooper acknowledges the amazing work of his fellow nominees and the "triangle of man love that is Geoffrey Rush, Colin Firth and me...Helena, I hope that comment doesn't make you too jealous." He talks about how his mother was invited to a preview of the yet-to-be-performed play The King's Speech - "the moral of the story is, listen to your mother."
Hurrah Annette Bening! Clearly channeling the Chrysler Buidling with the sparkling dress.
Celine Dion sings Smile - a tribute to those film giants who have sadly left us.
Halle Berry speaks movingly (looking stunning) about Lena Horne and the trailblazing way she's paved for all Hollywood to follow.
Anne looking her best in red. She's finding hard to keep a straight face with James's deadpan hilarity.
A H Rahman performing with Florence Welch!
The brother called. Missed the part where Gwyneth Paltrow sings. Randy Newman wins for Best Original Song.
The now not-so-surprise appearance of Billy Crystal. "Some things never change...the producers have told me we're running a little long, so here are the nominees for Best Picture." Another 1.5 hours to go before that bomb drops! Crystal talks about being inspired (and flipped off) by the great man. Too funny.
Robert Downey Jr and Jude Law have great repartee, and compete for the last laugh. Downey is dismissive of special effects geeks but Law reminds him if not for these guys, "your closest association to a superhero would have been in 2001, when you were busted in a cheap hotel room with a girl dressed as Batgirl." Downey is quick to correct - it wasn't cheap, the room cost $1,200, it was in 2000 and she was dressed as Wonder Woman. The behind-the-scenes sneak peak at the amazing computer effects in these films is incredible. Inception has GOT to have this one in the bag. Yes, yes they do.
Film editing - a category I could care less about - goes to the Social Network. Update:
SN: 2
Inception: 3
HARRY POTTER MUSICAL! Genius. ROFL. Toy Story, Social Network and Twilight (He Doesn't Have a Shirt - guess who THAT'S ABOUT) are all hilariously spoofed. Comedic highlight.

Anne Hathaway shimmies! Loving her gold dress (must say, bearing a striking resemblance to a certain someone else's rather fabulous 1920s ball dress...)
And it's Oprah, all sparkly, presenting the "best movie that did not let us escape" ie documentaries. Pretty sure I haven't seen any, so I'm out again.
Amy Adams and Jake Gyllanhaal looking pretty but awkward. I have not seen or heard of these documentaries so, (I know, shock horror!) no comment from me.
Apparently I should really see some of these live-action short films though! The winner comes onstage with a fabulous afro and opens with "I should have gotten a haircut." He must be really young - how cute!
Kevin Spacey asks what's your favourite movie song? Beauty and the Beast, My Heart Will Go On, As Time Goes By, Time of My Life, Footloose all get a mention. Let me ponder.
YAY more music playing! We Belong Together from Toy Story 3 is performed by the one and only Randy Newman - so fun and upbeat! I've always loved the Toy Story soundtracks.
Mandy Moore = totes babe. And Zach = totes dashing (but Zach, you probs sould have worn a jacket.)
Le sigh. Fangirl heaven :) Beautiful people should NOT be able to sing AND look like that. So unfair.
Oh hai Marissa Tomei! I don't think I've seen any of your films (although The Wrestler is on my list) but my, what a dress! Looking lovely, m'dear. She seems to be saying a lot of technical gobbledegook. Time to tune out and enjoy lunch.
But then Cate Blancett comes onstage! I have mixed feelings about her dress (even though it is pink). Haven't seen any of these films, and Cate agrees with me: "that's gross" (the Wolfman). I guess gross wins!
Costume design - should go to True Grit. What a set. But Alice in Wonderland wins, and Helena Bonham Carter seems confused about whether she should go up. Aw - the designer has written out her speech! Too cute.
ScarJo and MattMcC - two of my least favourite actors. They have a very not-funny conversation about sound, since they're presenting sound-mixing. How original of them. Love ScarJo's dress but not her hair. Looks like she just rolled out of bed and strolled on down. Thanks for the effort, Scar. Have only seen Inception, Social Network and True Grit in this category, hence don't really care. Time for lunch.
(But if you care, Inception won. Inception, Social Network and King's Speech now 1 each.)
And since I don't really understand the difference between that category and sound-editing, I'm not going to talk about that either. BUT INCEPTION TAKES THE LEAD WITH TWO OSCARS! I hope Inceptions gets its due recognition for GRAPHICS/SPECIAL FX since that (and the concept, obviously - UM HELLO WHERE IS THE BEST DIRECTOR NOMINATION?!) is where the brilliance lies.
A homage to the progress and development of "talkies" by "our" Nic and Hugh.
YES it's one of my favourite parts - where the orchestra performs - the theme from ET and Star Wars, to name a few.
In the running for Original Score - How to Train Your Dragon, The King's Speech, The Social Netowrk (HELLO ANDREW GARFIELD!!), 127 Hours (A R RAHMAN FTW AGAIN PLEASE), Inception (NO WAIT I LOVE HANS ZIMMER TOOOOOO).
Bom bom bom bom...
The Social Network! First win. Of how many?
TBH, I didn't really notice the score in The Social Network at all. Not sure I agree, but apparently the Academy doesn't consult me.
Reese Witherspoon presenting Best Supporting Acting. Christian Bale was JUST SUPERB in The Fighter, he or Geoffrey Rush deserve to win. John Hawkes scrubs up nice compared to his role in Winters Bone. I wish I'd seen the Town - I love Jeremy Renner. I previously had no respect for Mark Ruffalo, but after The Kids Are Alright, I have found newfound admiration for his previously-unknown acting skills. But Geoffrey Rush - Aussie ftw please Academy?
I suppose I'll be happy for Christian Bale, so long as The King's Speech gets other kudos. STILL can't decide who I want to win Best Picture.
Christian, I love you, but please shave. You bear a worrying resemblance to Joaquin Phoenix. "I'm not going to drop the F bomb like [Melissa] did - I've done that plenty of times before." And hey - it's so great to get some accolades for Micky.
ANNE HATHAWAY IN A SUIT!!!! And singing! And with a gorgeous high ponytail!
"On my own...because someone's a huge Jackass!
Won't say who...thought Australians were our Allies.
Turns out Down Under's kind of shady...not you Nicole
But someone who shall not be named [spotlight on Hugh Jackman.]
He stuck his (fake retractable) claws into my heart
when he left me on my own."
Pure comedic genius - but wait!! JAMES FRANCO AS MARILYN MONROE. IN A PINK DRESS. AND PEARLS. "The weird thing is I just got a text from Charlie Sheen." I can't decide who looks better.
Helen Mirren and Russel Brand. Wow. What a combination. Mirren speaks in French - Brand translates: "yo - my performance as a Queen was much more realistic than Colin Farrell's as a King."
Best foreign film - ashamed to say I haven't seen any of these. I'm not entirely certain if any of them came to Australia (not a reflection on the film - a sorry reflection on Australian cinema/audiences/myself).

Best original screenplay - Another Year (unknown), The Fighter (I hope so), Inception, The Kids Are Alright (WHAT a movie! Witty, smart, entertaining), The King's Speech - oh come this HAS to win!!! It's about stammering! It was funny and heart-warming!! COME ON!!!
"My father said to me I would be a late bloomer...I believe I am the oldest person to win this particular award. I hope that record is broken quickly and often...I accept this on behalf of all the stutters throughout the world - we have a voice, and we have been heard thanks to you, the Academy."
Feeling quite stupid - understand the Banksy reference now. Really must see that movie. Josh Brolin and Javier Bardem presenting in matching white jackets. It's a little blinding, to be honest. Bardem notes that "you know a script is good when a writer's words float off the page and go straight to your heart." Adapted screenplay - 127 Hours (WHAT an adaption!), Social Network (ZOMG Aaron Sorkin), Toy Story 3, True Grit, Winters Bone (intense). So many incredible nominations - "and ze Oscar goes to...AARON SORKIN!" To be fair, Sorkin made an average book into a surprise hit film that didn't feel like speculation - all of the others were simply building on already great works - it's much easier to make a terrific film when you've already got an awesome book, don't you know ;)
The music seems to be getting louder. Aaron, you're talking too long. The academy will eventually drown you out.
HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON = ♥ ♥ ♥ Feeling conflicted because I adored Toy Story 3 - I bet it wins. And the Oscar goes to...Toy Story 3! Pixar FTW.
I don't understand the Bansky reference though. Let me Google.
Mila Kunis (LOVE HER) and Justin Timberlake to present best animated feature and best animated short. She looks gorgeous in a purple dress. First iPhone/app reference of the evening. Oooh, I really need to see The Gruffalo. Day and Night was cute. I saw the Lost Thing here in Australia AND met the author of the book it's based on (of the same name), Shaun Tan, last year. AND THE LOST THING WINS! Hey look it's that short little Asian man I met last year! I MET HIM. OMG OMG OMG!!!!! Feeling a little starstruck and all "one degree of seperation" excited. PS it's a sweet little film, you should all see and read it.
Best Supporting Actress is announced by Kirk Douglas, who is looking (and sounding) old. Helena Bonham Carter makes an "oh I look awful/I'll never win" face after her clip. Too cute. So happy for Jackie Weaver to be nominated - I've got my fingers crossed for her (it's a pity I'm yet to see Animal Kingdom). But wait - check out the fabulous and fourteen year old Hailee Steinfeld. Kirk really knows how to build suspense! Oh God, I hope it's Jackie. But hey, congrats to Melissa Leo, who looks like she's gone into shock. It's true she was AMAZING in The Fighter, a film I enjoyed immensely (much more than I thought I would). She really can't believe it. "I'm just shaking in my boots here." She seems truly overwhelmed - "when I watched Cate last year it seemed so fucking easy - oops!" First tears of the evening.

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