Monday, 17 August 2009

Must See

So you're all going to disown me out of shame, but...I've never seen a Tarantino film. *Ooops.* But this looks like one I can stomach, happily.

OMG! It only looks like the sweetest movie ever!



jacques du'loque said...

I love Tarantino, but this issue is particularly sensitive to me. So, no joke in this comment, JaG...

What do you think of the objection raised in the linked article?

jacques du'loque said...

Wait, do you HAVE movies down there in the outback?

(SEE, the joke was in the comment, not the other one.)

Just a girl said...

Nice to see you still think you're as witty as ever. ;)

That's an interesting point, and I've never thought about it like that - "audiences cheering for a revenge that turns Jews into carboncopies of Nazis, that makes Jews into "sickening" perpetrators" (the irony of this is distinctly unsettling) - probably because I didn't see Valkyrie or Defiance or Good though I was aware of them. It's definitely a valid point, but I'm not sure if it applies to the same extent to this film because - although I haven't seen it (yet) - Tarantino doesn't seem to be presenting a moralistic historically accurate film; he's made a film that's more of a kitsch comedy/satire (but this in itself in an issue - can you laugh at this kind of thing without feeling guilty?) I do think, though, that Holocaust movies are definitely a sensitive genre that Hollywood is exploiting right now, but are they trying to preserve a memory or offer us some kind of (however misplaced) Jewish empowerment?

Do you agree with the article then?
