Wednesday 3 October 2007

The Refuge of Frivolling Students


to spend frivolously (usually fol. by away):
to frivol away one's time.

Here's a riddle. What do the following have in common?

They're all tools for procrastination, of course!

I've noticed a very interesting trend: an increasing number of year 12 students from my school have recently (these holidays) joined Facebook.

Me? I joined before it was cool - well, I joined last holidays. Months before the masses.

So now we bond - over silly applications like The Water Fight and Pirates vs Ninjas (it's probably better if you don't ask), drunk photos from our formal, and wall-to-wall posts bemoaning the amount of work we have.

(Meanwhile, our lives creep away from us stealthily as we sit, entranced by virtual life.)

Skype is slightly more communicative and justifiable. Here's how:

Father: Were you skyping all that time? (NB: It was only an hour)
Me: Yes - I was talking to Miss SC.

Miss SC is my friend who moved to England. Thus: justifiable!

I am clearly beyond obsessed with all of the above, as I have been known to discuss Facebook and Gossip Girl while on Skype, which particularly frustrates my friends who do not have Facebook (nor understand Gossip Girl).

However, Facebook has introduced me to some interesting terms that I would like to share (using the application SuperPoke! you can do these things to people):

Undoubtedly the best feature of Facebook is the ability to throw a sheep at someone using above application.

Where does my beloved Gossip Girl come into all this? Only that I was rudely denied being able to download the 40 minute (gasp!) free (double gasp!) pilot episode from the iTunes Music store as "your account is not connect to the US store." In any case, I have been able to download it in segments (somewhat slowly) from YouTube. Hoorah!

In other amusing but useless things to talk about, my friend (who, incidentally, I was skyping) introduced me to this funny but catchy video jingle by Men Without Hats (what an intriguing concept that is - what is the significance of their hats, I wonder?) Makes you want to pull out some of those really bad dances moves from the 80s, doesn't it?

If you're feeling frivolous, or perhaps grumpy, watch this hilarious Harry Potter puppet video - better than it sounds, I promise (and this one has been circulating around my school for weeks now).

Egad. I have linked just about everything in this post back to Facebook or Skype or Gossip Girl.

And as now is the time for embarrassing confessions as above, I shall also admit that Harry Potter fanfic has also played a significant role of distraction, not least because my friend (who we have to thank for the song above) who introduced me to the idea keeps sending me fics. Not that I'm complaining.

No, the only thing I'm complaining about is the amount of work I still have.

Not only is this post becoming circular, as I mentioned the above complaint in reference to Facebook (I told you it always comes back to Facebook, Skype or GG!) but it is now going to join the riddle of Supposedly Unrelated Things Except for Their All Being On The Internet (And, Of Course, Tools of Procrastination).

I think I have either been inside too long or been on this computer too long.

Just a girl


Anonymous said...

I can't believe you're a debater who has never used the term 'defenestrate' in a debate. I swear that every team at our school has at least one speaker per debate who shoves in the phrase 'I will now proceed to defenestrate the opposition's arguments' before their rebuttal. :P

toby said...

Serious procrastination overload! That Gossip Girl thing sounds like hell on earth but perhaps that's the point :)

btw, have you had syllabi drummed into you too? What's wrong with syllabuses?

A said...

Hey, your blog is really entertaining! And I wrote about Facebook (kind of) in my last post, too, on my blog.

Ally :)