Thursday 11 October 2007

Tagged With My Pants Down

Before you ask, the title is a figurative least I think it is, because it certainly is not literal. Maybe metaphorical?

Anyhow, this is my blogger initiation, as I've been tagged for the first time ever, by Celise. Thankfully, this is going to be pretty harmless introduction (as in not very embarrassing).

The Rules (have changed if you trace the tag back through bloggers who have tagged other bloggers &etc, somewhat like Chinese whispers, although you wonder how this could happen with text...nonetheless, they are):

1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.

2. List ten (10) random facts about yourself.

3. Tag eleven people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).

4. These eleven people would have to tag twelve people.

5. You could also tag back, if desperate!

6. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs.

10 Random Facts You May Not Have Guessed About Me (in no particular order other than that in which I thought of them)

  1. I've never dyed my hair. Ever. It's naturally semi-blonde-streaked. (I just had it cut, though! It's all nice and short and layered...)

  2. When I was 12 I wanted to be the first female PM. Seriously. But that was just a phase I went through. Like the phases of wanting to be an Olympic equestrian rider and kayaker (not simultaneously, of course.)

  3. I've never drunk coffee, and only drunk tea once or twice. An acquired taste I've not developed any affinity for yet. I prefer a hot chocolate any day. My favourite place for a hot chocolate is definately Max Brener's (Chocolate by the Bald Man.)

  4. I like to be tidy (particularly in my room at school) but somehow I can never keep my room at home that way...

  5. My ears aren't pierced and I don't think they're likely to be, either. It's not something I'm completely against - while I know that the market for pierced earrings is much larger, and generally cuter, than that for clip on earrings, it's something I've never felt an urge to do.

  6. I've flirted with the idea of getting a piercing (i.e. belly button) or tattoo (shoulder, perhaps?), but I've realised that they only really look sexy when you're young and skinny and can get away with wearing revealing clothing...after that, it just looks tacky. (Although Angelina Jolie will probably get away with looking good even when she’s a wrinkly grandma.)

  7. I've been published - twice! In my local newspaper; once on the front cover, and once in the news pages pertaining to events in my town. Both included photos (taken by me) and my own by-line! The former featured last year, and the latter this year, although both covered the same topic - travelling operas performing in my town.

  8. I have an unsuppressable habit of talking to myself, whether I'm looking for something, studying...although I don't think it happens in my sleep. I'm pretty sure someone would have mentioned it to me by now if I had - I've been boarding and dorming with other people for 3 years now! (I'm not counting this year, as I'm in a single room and it is bliss. Unfortunately it is like a hot box in the summer.)

  9. I was named after a famous actress. Think 1950s, black and white films…though her career has extended well into that of colour TV and cinema.

  10. Of all the countries I've ever visited, Southern Africa (including Botswana and Zambia) are my favourite, and the trip (taken midway through last year) that made the most impression on me. Africa is simply so unlike our society - so raw, unique and beautiful. My second favourite [country] is probably Italy, because the culture and history is fantastic and interesting, not to mention their food.

The lucky victims are:

Teen Fashionista
Stray Musings
That Boarding School
Allison in Wonderland
All About My Movies
Love it. Wear it. Work it.
Love is a
Diary of a Third World Fashionista
Doll Face
Doc 2 be or not

Just a girl


toby said...

Hi there! I'm not blogging about my life at the moment so, if you don't mind, I'll do a quick "tag" list here!
1. Never dyed my hair but I shaved off an eyebrow for a bet.
2. When I was 12, I kissed a girl who I'd been "in love" with for ages. She ran away shouting "Toby kissed me! Toby kissed me!". Perhaps I should have asked first!
3. I like the smell of coffee more than its taste. I drink Ceylon tea; a lot.
4. I once met a girl whose bedroom carpet was completely buried. Even now I sometimes wonder what creatures lurked among her discarded clothes!
5. My ears aren't pierced and I rarely wear earrings.
6. With tattoos and piercings, I believe small is beautiful. Although, I once had my mouth wired shut. But that was because my jaw was broken. Tongue piercings demonstrate a lack of imagination!
7. I won a short story comp at school and the prize was a bank account containing £30.
8. Don't talk to myself but my stomach rumbles when I concentrate too hard. Useful for distracting opponents when I used to play chess.
9. I was named after my Irish ancestors.
10. Last country I visited was Latvia, where I met an Aussie mum showing her teenage daughter where grandma fled the Nazis. Fascinating trip. Never been to Africa; nor China but I love Chinese food.
See ya :)

Gabriela said...

I can't imagine not wearing earrings, I feel naked without them. LOL. But I have to admit that people not wearing earings look more natural, clean, and classy. Well, that's what I think.

Anonymous said...

Hi Just a Girl,
I know you think you are just a girl, but I think I understand how you feel, and it seems you are so much more. I am leaving yr 12 this year also, and although I have not always been the 'cool' kid or included in all of the fun I have wanted to be, I will still miss it. I somewhat envy you with all of your friends dressing up in the 'dining hall' in each others uniforms... they are kind of memories I wish I was involved in. Usually I have been busy studying. Anyway, Hawaii sounds awesome.
Just a Boy

Just a girl said...

Hey Just a Boy;

Thanks! That's probably the sweetest comment anyone's ever left me. =) It really made my day, you know, and it hasn't really been a great one, what with exams and getting sick.

You sound just like me - always studying. But my friends are always willing to drag me away from my desk in the name of "fun and having a life." Or so they say...

Good luck for your exams! What kind of exams do you take; Aussie - HSC, VCE, IB, other - or out of the country - A levels, APs, etc?

Oh, and nice name. ;-)

Just a girl

Tina Nandi said...

I know this is a really old post but was just snooping around your blog and thought your last point was interesting! I lived in Zambia for 13 years! And I agree, Africa is so raw, unique and beautiful indeed!