Wednesday 31 October 2007

Last Hurrah: Graduation Before Exams

As of Sunday, I am now an official Old Girl of my school...and exams don't start until Friday! (Far too soon, I might add.) Nonetheless, I have the signet ring to prove it.

Our graduation ceremony was pretty much an all weekend event. It began Friday morning, with a house yr 12 breakfast outing (that we had to get up really early - 6am early - for, so it was a looong day - but so worth it). Sometimes it's just nice to get away from school for awhile, to forget about the everyday expectations - not to mention enjoy a decent buffet breakfast.

That night was our house Valedictory Dinner. It was the most enjoyable house dinner/event I've attended (and I've attended a few of those "in my time"); it was fun, comfortable, friendly and carefree, but oh-so-sad, because it was the last time we'll all be together. I was truly able to forget the stress of impending exams, but not the heart-wrenching fact that we are all leaving in a few weeks' time.

All the same, it was a fantastic night, filled with laughter, reminiscence, thank yous to our parents and tutors, and wishes for the future. This induced all kinds of emotions, and after my performance of Landslide (which didn't begin well - an octave too high! - and wasn't as polished as I would have liked, but not terrible), the nerves, the anticipation, the happiness and the realisation that this was it brought me to tears. I'll miss the girls, I really will; well, maybe not all of them, which sounds horrible, but there is this one girl...she didn't go to the dinner though, so my night was not ruined. But I'll miss the closeness, the jokes, the teasing, the openness, the understanding, the kindness, the trust, the care, the support. We've had it rough, losing so many friends along the way what with so many friends leaving, but we've always been there for each other, and that's something I won't forget.

I also hope I won't forget this night; I think it encapsulates the joyful experience I've had with my year group and my house.

Just a girl


Anonymous said...

Your Valedictory sounds much more exciting than ours will be. Congrats on the becoming an OG! :P We got our memberships or whatever to the OC association at the end of term 3... made me feel old :P

Anonymous said...

I leave school next year in May, and while I can't wait to get away from the whole school scene, i know i'm gonna get sooo soo emotional!
I love the poem you wrote about your she's on my side of the planet now? (I live in england) xxx

Just a girl said...

Hey Skyla,

It'll be emotional for me too, I'm sure, although this kind of thing might not hit me until after I leave, and then I'll start bawling! Just like when my friend left...for your side of the planet. Nothing against your side of the planet, but why does it have to be so far away?! :-)

Just a girl