Friday 15 August 2008

Goodbye, Cruel World!

At least for 40 hours.

I'm doing the technology famine as my 'challenge' for World Vision's 40 hour famine, to raise money to help end child slavery in India.

That's right; no phone, no laptop, no TV, no iPod, no camera, no electronics for 40 hours.

"HOW WILL YOU SURVIVE?!" you splutter, having spit your coffee all over the screen, and well may you ask. It will be the toughest challenge for me, but I think I can do it.

So, I won't be around, and I'm not ignoring you.

The 'famine' ends 2pm Sunday (starting tonight 10pm), but I'm touring around my college for Open Day until 5.

I'm also going to a party tomorrow called 'Glow in the Snow' which should be fun. I may even - God forbid! - have a drink. Or two. Depends on how many I can afford (hence the need for a job, and soon.)

Until then, I will be studying, because alas, I have 2 assignments (essays) due next week, neither of which I have started.

Last weekend I watched Fiddler on the Roof, and loved it. But now I have these songs stuck in my head (esp. Matchmaker...wonder why?!)



And perhaps the most beautiful, Do you love me?:

Oh, and I have to write blogs for two of my subjects - Culture, Media and Everyday Life and Globalisation (I dropped Spanish), which I should be pretty awesome at, considering my experience and all that. Except that you have to relate to the course work. Anyway, I want to make my template more groovy - or at least have a header of some kind - but I know nothing about CSS, which seems to be the way you can change it. Any suggestions, ideas, advice? It seems to be like a wordpress blog.

Enjoy your weekends without me!



Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to do that, ever since I read an article about that in a Reader's Digest issue. Way to go, girl. I think you'll do fine :) All the very, very best!!

PS: A reply to your mail, coming up this weekend..


jacques du'loque said...

Also: and so the drinking begins. It's actually kinda sad. I'd thought you hold out. =\

Have fun at the party, though. Imaginary snow sounds fun.

Anonymous said...

My friend did a hunger strike during a speech competition. Not so much fun for her. But she still did well.

Good luck!

anahit said...

*grins* I was the matchmaker in my school play, 1 1/2 years ago. The most fun :D xxx

Emma said...

I really, really admire you for this... there's no way I'd cope!

Good luck hun!

Anonymous said...

nice videos, thank you,were r u from..

Just a girl said...

Mr L: Hmm, point taken. What is happening to my standards?! It's college, I tell you. ;-) But it only brings my 'total drinks tried' tally to three; champagne (which I can take or leave); ruski and sunrise.

Anahita: wow, that must have been awesome!

Sharanya, Arielle, Emma; thanks! =) I lasted, surprisingly...but it felt kind of weird [that I couldn't use technology, esp my laptop]! Like a limb was missing...well, not quite!

Durais: Where am I from? Australia. Anything more specific than that is kind of up for debate; depends on what you mean by that question! I was born in A, raised in B, went to school in C, and now go to uni in D (Melbourne). I'm also part E (American.) Sorry, but that's what we were talking about in Globalisation today, so I felt I should elaborate!
