Wednesday 15 October 2008

Oh what a pickle we're in...

If climate change is "moral challenge of our generation" and "the failure of our generation would lead to consequences that would haunt humanity until the end of time," what should we do about it?

Should we do anything? Do we owe future generations?

Do developed countries owe the world's poorest countries, who are most likely going to suffer the most from climate change, compensation or adaptation aid?

Should developed countries, being the primary emitters of greenhouse gases, shoulder the burden of emissions cuts, or does a global problem require a global solution?



K. said...

Here's "my" easy solution that works for everyone:

Voluntary human extinction.

I just love how the acronym (or whatever you'd call it since it doesn't actually spell anything) is pronounced "vehement."

Am I merely joking or am I a vehement vehement advocate?

You decide.

Just a girl said...

Bahahahahahahaha. OMG that's hilarious.

When I first saw your comment, I was like "what? people volunteer to die?" but now I realise that they volunteer not to reproduce.

China's one child policy may have something in it for the rest of the world to learn from...
