Well, it was my birthday. And it was l.o.v.e.l.y. I received lots of pink presents (someone asked me if I ever get sick of it. My answer is: never) for you to see for yourself:
Pink hoops from Sharanya. Necklace from my sweet college friends with bracelets to match!
Pink hoops also from Sharanya!
Necklace + earrings from dear college friends.
From the thoughtful Sara.
Necklace from A, earrings hand made by a fresher-friend. Aren't they cute?!
Caught up with a bunch of friends from school, most of whom I hadn't seen for aaaaages, at San Churro, where chocolate shall be your salvation, and feasted appropriately on those namesake delicay, spanish donuts (YUM.) Then went out for a friend's birthday that night (though to bed early - exhausted after submitting my epic 3,000 word climate change essay. Though not quite as epic as Sharan et al's efforts. Kudos + eternal respect to you all!) On Saturday night a close knit group of college friends and I went dined on Southbank at the palate-pleasing (but cheap!) Blue Train Cafe, where I was surprised by chocolate tarts and candles and a rousing chorus of happy birthday. I'd planned to go to Docklands where there were whispers of fireworks (for free!) but they happened too early in the night and it's Docklands, really, who can be bothered. So we wandered back to college for fire-side present opening, marshmellows and chocolate, rumaged up a projector from my friend and enjoyed Funny Face on the big screen (i.e. my blind) complete with surround sound (by speakers.) Then we counted down til 12am (the movie finished at 11.45pm) and sang happy birthday again. Aw.
On the day of, I re-kindled my love affair with Skins, finished my poetry assignments, and enjoyed gelato on Lygon St after dinner. Le sigh.
Thank youuuuu to every one for your thoughts, gifts, and for celebrating with me in one way or 'nother over the weekend, it was perfect splendid.
I also went into the city for a little shopping (mostly of the envious window variety) and found this gorgeous pink jacket. I mean, look at it! It's so pink!
Only problem is, it's $70, and I want to wait for it go on sale. Should I get it?
Firstly, those are totally not "hoops". Hoop earrings go through your ears as, well, hoops. Those are just kind of hoop shaped things ON HOOKS. Hence, not hoops. Seeeeee? Hahaha.
But, very pretty regardless :) This coming from someone who doesn't like pink! I really love the earrings in the "Necklace + earrings from dear college friends." picture.
And as an aside, now who's (photo-)whoreing? Hehehehe.
As for the jacket, oh come on, $70 is very much very reasonable for a good jacket (assuming that it's not just all flash and is actually a decent quality) and that one is gorgeously cut. No comment on the colour. Lol. But if it were black/grey/white I would totally buy it for $70! You could wait till it goes on sale (end of financial year sales perhaps?) but I think it's definitely worth paying $70 for (= under two DAV adjudications! ha). Where's it from?
She calls them hoops, I call them hoops. Therefore, they be hoops. ;-)
*grumbles* smartypants.
Ha ha, thanks, I ♥ that necklace too, I'm wearing it right now.
Oh, and you know those earrings in the second to last pic? I wore them out on Sat night and again Tues but SOMEONE wasn't there to see them...
I'm only photo whoreing by request.
I'm not sure if it's worth $70. Reasonable for a decent jacket, yes, but this is from Valley Girl...
Sara's right, they're not hoops, but JaG is right too, we make our own vocab *hugs*
Also, I feel INCREDIBLY overwhelmed to see my name appear so many times here ack RWAR!
GET THE JACKET! Oh my God its the prettiest thing I've seen in a long time! Dont wait for it-- someone else will take it away. Thats teh way it works :(
San Churro and the Blue Train cafe look A.MA.ZING. I WANT TO COME!!!!
GET THE COAT. honestly, $70 isn't TOO bad for a jacket and you will looove it forever.
im glad your birthday was wonderful, JAG, you really deserve it!
@ Sara: well I did just get my second DAV paycheck in two weeks, paying me for Round 2 and Round 3 (although they only payed me $44, should have been $55, going to have to chase that up...) :D
@ Sharan: can't tell you how weird it felt that you called me JaG. ;-)
@ Cordie: I'm sorely tempted. And thanks so much, that's so sweet :)
I love Thy smile. I actually am a Fan of the profile picture you had before the present one, with the red lipstick. Totally gorgeous pic.
Aw, THANKS Asmita! That comment totally made my day. =) I like to think my smile is one of best features. :) which is only half the reason why I smile so much!
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