Voiceworks is a national, quarterly magazine that features exciting new writing by Australian young writers. It is a unique opportunity for young writers and artists (under 25) to publish their poetry, short stories, articles, comics, illustrations, drawings and photos. It is produced entirely by young people and relies on contributions from the readers to make up content.
These postcards were distributed at the start of semester in my creative writing lecture. What I love about this postcard is that it's pretty much propaganda, but in a way that seems to make fun of itself. And it's so eye catching (pun intended.) And kind of bizarre. For various/unknown reasons, it reminds me both of Big Brother (think George Orwell, not reality TV) and Russia.
I hope to contribute and be published in it one day.
Just a girl
Sending out positive publishing vibes to you. Never say never. Are you currently working on something right now?
When I saw it, I thought 1984 too.
Good luck if you do write something for them! I've had my writing published in my school magazine but that's about it. :D
I'm PRETTY sure you will, girl..and I'm not just saying it.
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