But last night was different. I put on my bad girl boots and started dancing!
Ha ha. I’m exaggerating for the sake of excitement. Story telling technique, don’t you know.
Anyoldhow, one of the exchange students (who, sadly, is leaving quite soon) was having a little get together in her room; wine, cheese and s’mores over her fireplace. It was just a bunch of good friends crowded in her room, cooking marshmallows, eating chocolate, drinking wine, laughing at each other and singing along to 90s music (think the Spice Girls.) Good fun. At some stage, we migrated into the corridor to merge with fellow partygoers who were sharing drinks in their own rooms. Later, we headed downstairs to where we knew the shit was going down, and sure enough, we found too many people crammed into a little room with the beats pumping and the alcohol flowing. So we squished ourselves in, occasionally milling out into the corridor as people wandered by, in and out. Then someone played the fresher dance, and of course the second years all made us stand up and do it, so there were several of us squeezed into this tiny room trying to do a healthy thrust, the sprinkler move, spirit fingers, semi-macerena and gettin’ dirty and flirty (all part of the moves) and half of these people were fairly drunk. It was hilarious. Everyone out in the corridor or walking past had to stop (to laugh.) A little while later, the duty tutor came along to warn us that the music was getting a wee bit too loud, and we ourselves too raucous. The funniest part was that when she’d finished telling us the party should disperse by 11pm, a girl who'd had a little too much walked out into the corridor waving her arms, carrying a bottle of scotch and saying “woo woo!” Priceless.
Before y’all get excited about the title of this post, I didn’t have anything to drink (though I ate plenty of s’mores) because I don’t like wine. There was some absinthe floating around, but apparently it tasted like licorice. Ew.
So, because it's early Saturday morning, and I got a lotta lotta lotta lotta work to do (i.e. exams starting next week), I'm hitting the sack.

Just a girl
Woot, Woot??!! Seriously priceless. All the best for your exams..hope the rain's keeping your spirits up :)
Absinthe tastes like mouthwash. It's gross.
Good luck on your exams!
Ha ha, yeah someone said it tasted like toothpaste. ;-)
Thank you both!
Aww, you leaving just as I arrive back... :(
Good luck hun!
Hey, I changed my blog address- now it's http://white-sparks.blogspot.com/
See you around :)
WOW..what a wonderful college.
Sounds like my weekends except my friends... Well, you're probably better off not knowing what they get up to.
I pray that they never get hold of any absinthe. Green fairy would do them in.
(Oh, how I crave s'mores now... Yum...)
hi, i am also a college student only but we didn't enjoy this much..anyhow life is to enjoy do it wel..
sounds like fun! haha yes absinthe is nasty shit, but i cant believe you dont like wine! the horror! (joke)
eek good luck on your finals...
cordie xx
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