Thursday 16 August 2007

Last Hurrah: Exeat

Last weekend was my last exeat ever. The last time I'll catch the XPT back to school. The last time I'll have a ton of work and three days to do it. The last time I have to go home for a short space of time, only to return to work and worry and the hectic nature of school life. The end is in sight! 5 weeks left of term. 5! And then 5 weeks next term. 10 weeks of school left! And 2 weeks of intense, stressful revision (a.k.a holidays.)

But three months from today, I will be finished. Finished with work and IAs and exams and stress and due dates and everything. Finished with the Dining Hall and compulsory Chapel and School Assemblies. Leaving my boarding house, my friends, my teachers. Those will be the things I miss (granted, not all of my teachers, but some.) Leaving my HoH. Leaving my brother to finish his last two years here alone. I think I'll miss this school more than I realise, more than I can probably imagine right now.

But I can't wait. Because in three months from now, the rest of my life begins. Three months from now, I will be sleeping in, reading all day, lounging around in my pyjamas, enjoying home cooking - and I can't wait. It will be a grand reward for thirteen years of hard work (OK, so only about half of those years were hard work...mostly the last two!), and I plan to reward myself well. Hopefully with some travelling and spending time with friends...who knows?

Just a girl

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