Sunday 19 August 2007

Say it Right

Don't you just love those people who say all the things you want to hear - but they mean it? Sincerely? Those people are supposed to be your friends...but I find that they are my grandparents. I love my grandparents to pieces; they're generous, kind, honest, and genuinely caring, loving people. I've rung them twice this week, because they're visiting, and we had such positive, uplifting conversations. I can talk to my grandmother about anything - we have D&Ms quite frequently. And she's always telling me how proud she is of how I do academically, and how I'll have my pick of universities (and I keep saying "I hope so!"). It's so sweet and reassuring. And my grandfather is so considerate. They both just make me smile. I love spending time with them. Hopefully I'll be doing a lot more of that in 3 months' time (!) but nothing is certain. Yet.

On another, equally happy note - no more sanctions! A collective decision, as made by our HoH and the prefects (i.e. me) because
  1. The money hasn't been returned (which would be expected if the theif was going to return, as the weekend is the ideal time to get the money)
  2. It's getting bitchy and tense within the house
  3. People are starting to blame the person whose money was stolen (saying "she lost it")
  4. People are getting sick and sleep deprived.

So...we've decided it's people's own repsonsibility to lock up their valuables, because if you lock it up, it can't get stolen (well, that's the idea.) The two halves of the stealing equation are - "if you leave it out, you're liable to theft" but "people shouldn't steal anyway, whether it's lying around or not."

To Miss AW (TJW) and Miss SM - I don't know how I missed you again at today's Open day - which was really too bad! - but we'll work something out. Eventually. Even if it is in 3 months!

To Miss MB - it was a lovely surprise to see you and catch up today! Hopefully more of the same, although I know I'll be seeing you at the formal! Can't wait!

[I'm much happier now!]

Just a girl

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so, SO sorry about Open Day! :( I made one call to someone and ten seconds later (yes I know I'm a big exaggerator but this was LITERALLY ten seconds, if that!) my phone died on me! So I guess that defenestrated (haha, debating word) that idea. We'll defs have to think up something before the end of this year, lol.

But anyway, how'd you find it? What'd you think of the courses & colleges?

Is Miss MB who I think it is? She's going to your formal?

PS. I probs should have emailed this so it's easier for you to respond but commenting here makes me feel specialer :)