So, I wore a dress I made last year for Design Tech,

and travelled by limo

to the gorgeous ball room
for a fantastic night of fun.
Beats hit the floor, feet hit the floor, whoops someone hit the floor
I wasn't really very excited/in the mood until we got there and the music started. If it's one thing I love - and find hard to resist - it's dancing. There were sing-a-longs, classics like the nut bush, the fresher dance, and generally getting one's groove on. We sat in tables of 10, were photographed throughout the night by some lecherous old man who sold them back to us later for $10 each, and enjoyed the good food (for once) and never ending supply of drinks. The order of proceedings was; mingling upon arrival ("your dress is fantastic!" "thank you, I love yours!"), taking photos (which, of course, continued throughout the night), drinking, dancing, eating, drinking, dancing, eating, drinking, dancing, eating, drinking, dancing some more (and possibly hooking up at the same time) and by 11.30 it was almost all over (it finished by 12am), so a friend and I decided to cab it back, blistered and knackered, but utterly content.
The day after (for most people) went something like this: sleep, skip class, nurse a hangover, try to remember what happened, post photos on Facebook and discover what happened by talking to other people who weren't quite so drunk.
Just a girl
You look gorgeous! And lovely photos on facebook too :D
did you guys choose to hire the limo as a table or did everyone travel by limo from college to the ballroom, like it was included in the ticket price?! That's pretty awesome.
SR ballroom is quite nice isn't it? :) The setup looks a little different to when we were there; we had long tables instead of round. But other than that it looks pretty much the same, right down to the balloons and bread rolls haha :P
Thanks! =)
The limos were part of the ticket, how cool is that?!
The ballroom was beautiful. And the food was yummy. The DJ was retarded though, didn't play our fresher dance for aaaaaages. Still, can't argue with the collection of songs. :D
Is that "never been kissed" thing true? I'm just asking, because you look ridiculously gorgeous in that dress-- I even stopped thinking about Natalie for a second.
Also? It's shiny.
Oh, but I'm really writing to thank you for all your comments. Haha, I always look forward to "Just a girl has commented on..." emails in my inbox.
Chau, my time-displaced rendezvous.
*sighs* WOW. This is SO cool. You're really lucky!! Btw, any chance you add blogger acquaintances on Facebook? Coz you like to be anonymous right? If you do, let me know..this is my profile URL
IF, of course, you're ok with adding people you meet through blogs.
ps-the dress is BEAUTIFUL!
It's good to know your DJ had variety. My school's idea of "variety" is playing one latin song, three disco songs, and "Celebration" in between all the rap and hip-hop. We asked for Lily Allen and Franz Ferdinand, but the DJ claimed not to have any.
Wow such a pretty dress. Glad you had fun. Got my prom soon, really should look into booking a limo.
Du'loque: Aw, shucks.
Is it possible for you to stop thinking about Natalie? ;-)
Yeah, sadly, the whole "never been kissed" status really (still) applies.
Also? The Dress is swishy, which is great for dancing.
Your comment made my day :D
Nomadica: Thanks. And I'll think on it, m'k?
Arielle: Wow. That sucks. At least they don't play the Backstreet Boys...
Kayleigh: Thanks. Yay for prom!
psht. What's wrong with the Backstreet Boys? Hahahaha. go the boy bands!!
don't say "sadly"! kissing is overrated; being able to say "I've never been kissed before" is underrated.
We're meeting at 12 on Tuesday yes? I am so excited :D xx
Where do I start with with Backstreet Boys? Their teenybopper sound? Their "Backstreet's back, alright!"? Their general annoyingness? But the frustrating thing is, much as I abhor their music, it's catchy, and got a good beat, and I can't resist dancing to it (what a catch 22!)...and I unfortunately, due to severe overexposure in my younger years, know all the words. Ugh.
You know, I used to be sort of proud of "never been kissed," because I was one of the few...and I know I'm still not the only one, but it bothers me now, which is stupid and shallow and insecure, and I wish it didn't.
Yep, 12 on Tuesday. Can't wait! =)
Well hello there :)
i thought i already commented on this, musnt have gone through, anyway, that dress is amazing! i cant beleieve you made it! have u ever considered fashion design? I would totally buy "Just a Girl Fashions"!!
And at least all of you people have school dances as such! My school this year is deciding NOT to have a Debutante ball!! which isnt so horrible for me because its not even for my year, but its always fun to be a quest!
they had better put it on next year or else i will be seriously pissed!
The never been kissed thing, im not too worried about it right now, but i am a bit younger than you, I would rather be kissless at 30 than have had a million with the guys that inhabit my town!
I have no idea my girlfriends find decent guys!
Dont feel stupid, it's not shallow or insecure at all, but i know how ya feel!
When you find someone he will be a real catch I'm sure! Okay!
You and I can be the first members of the Ausmerican Never Been Kissed Society :)
That dress is amazing... no lie. Your dances are far more impressive then my schools, which I think were held in our student center, but I'm not actually sure because I never attended:D
ahhhh i just lost a whole message i left you... in short-you look lovely, the lats photo looks almsot exactly like a photo i took at my prom a couple of weeks ago, same balloons, same number font etc! weird....
and you're tres lucky you got the limo inc in tickets, lots of people here had to spend £30 minimum on transport alone.
hope everythings going well, with colleges/uni etc :) x
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