As Australia's largest charitable foundation supporting people with eating disorders and negative body image we are truly 'over it.' Restrictive dieting can be the precursor to life thratening mental and physical illnesses. more and more people in Australia are suffering from eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia and binge eating, as well as obesity - brought about by negative body image. The eating and sharing of food for many people has become a fearful struggle with it having a devastating impact on their mental and physical health.
The Butterfly Foundation is proud to be celebrating International No Diet Day - a day celebrated around the world each year on May 6th. We are celebrating the beauty that can be found in many diverse body shapes and the right of all people to a healthy self-esteem and positive body image. most importantly the Butterfly Foundation wishes to highlight the dangers of restrictive dieting and wants to let you know that "we love you just the way you are."
[quoted from the free promotional International No Diet Day postcard]
I wholeheartedly agree. Let there be cake!

Enjoy eating. Enjoy living. Indulge. Beauty isn't skin deep; it's on the inside where true beauty lies, and that beauty can never fade.
Just a girl
I agree with every last bit of icing on that prettily decorated cake :)
And thanks for showing me how to do the hyperlink! very greatly apreciated :)
Always, M :)
What a pretty cake!
'Scuse me, gotta get me some food. Viva...cotton candy! Popcorn! FRIED DOUGH!
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