Age 3, same gumboots
Age 4, different pair of gumboots. Navy, with a red sole. I loved those gumboots. (I obviously had a burr in my sock, hence one boot on, one boot off. Happens, when you live on a farm.)
Age 4; me and my cat, Pippa
18! At last. I can drink, buy alcohol and cigarettes, vote, go clubbing, watch R rated movies, get my green P plates, marry without consent, gamble, be tried in a court of law as an adult, hire from Video Ezy and - as Sara pointed out - prostitute myself (oh, the things I have to look forward to!); no more underage!
Oddly enough though, 18 doesn't feel that old, compared to a lot of people in college, etc, who are 19, 20, 21...and a good friend of mine, a post grad student, who's 24.
18; it's the age at which we come bear whole new responsibilities that we gleefully shirk in our celebration of newly acquired rights.
I look forward to it!
(Details about the celebrations to come...)
Just a (legal!) girl
Such CUTE photos!! I've seen the third one before right? I think I remember gushing about it before hahaha.
anyhoo, HAPPY BIRTHDAY (again :D) And I so agree, back in school turning 18 seemed like "omg you're so old now" but now that we're at uni it's just like meh, especially with all the 19+'s we're always surrounded by!
enjoy your newfound legality xx
So, yeah my comp isn't ok yet but dad's laptop is,and I'm SO glad I could make it here to wish you :)
Have a GREAT year and hope you liked the card! There's this verse that a friend told me abt, it's what I'd tell you on this super-special day-
Hope you have a day,
that goes just your way,
the kind that makes you smile,
and makes you laugh all the while..
Enjoy your day and here's wishing you a HAPPY, HAPPY life ahead..
YAY :)
p.s happy all-grown-up-ness! ♥
Being an adult is hard! I look forward to whining with you about it in the years to come.
re: your last post... Of course not. Psht, silly girl, it's not all about you!
You have to be 18 to see R-rated movies? That's rubbish.
Happy Birthday :]
ahhh! 18! im jeal. thats so nice your drinking age is 18, makes much more sense to me. so tell me, which of these new rights will you be taking advantage of? haha. hope you have a fabulous night, cant wait to hear all about it.
cordie xx
ps you were an adorable kid
Thank you all for your many and kind birthday wishes. =) Cheers!
Sara: you've seen all these photos, and I believe you did gush. ;-)
N: Many thanks for the card, it was beautiful! There was sunshine, and dreams (of romance!) and my world is full of happiness :D that verse is sweet, thank you.
Du'loque: Ha ha. Who could be self-centred with friends like you?
Cordie: I agree, 18 makes sense if all other adult rights, like gambling and driving and going to war etc are awarded then. I find it odd that all the (US) states have different laws about that...Oh, and thanks.
i forgot to say how sweet and small you look in those photo's.
I think its safe to say you would have deffinatly grown since then! (hope so, haha)
and Pippa, what a cute name. I had a cat just like that when i was little too :)
Those pictures are adorable.
And I'm so jealous. Being 18 here means that I can buy tobacco and vote.
Can't drink, marry, gamble, etc. until age 21. WTF?
Happy birthday. =)
you didn't get drunk on your 18th bday? babe i understand waiting (kind of) but this is not your first time having sex...just get wasted!! don't be lame.
No, Anonymous, I didn't, so get over it already. I don't drink to get drunk, and I don't see why people should expect me to, especially on my 18th birthday. If it's some kind of "rite of passage," then I'll skip it for the time being, thank you very much.
shut up ^
what's with people telling you when u should kiss or to get wasted? there's a reason why it's called that, because it's a WASTE.
the only thing "lamer" than someone telling you how they think you should live ur life, (apart from actually using that word) is doing by means of an anonymous comment.
~M, x
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