No, I didn't get any study done, although I had planned to.
Instead, I continued to dispose of my notes, now adding Spanish to the pile of Unwanted Maths and Biology. It has now become quite the pile of Past Papers, Prac Exams, Notes, Tests, Hand-outs, and All Manner of Things Vaguely Related to the Topic and Deemed Helpful &/or Relevant to Said Topic:
Although quite large in size, I don't think the pile really conveys the amount of
blood and sweat and tears that went into it; the study, the revision, the stress, the anxiety, the emotion (be it satisfaction or disappointment)...
It does, however, clearly demonstrate that the IB is an excessive waste of paper.
Just a girl
I love that you say "commentary on an unseen poem". Have you, like me, completely knocked off the possibility of doing the prose before you've even seen it? :P
Those Spanish notes are impressive. Or wait, did it have other subjects too? I think my Economics stuff over the two years would be about that size too.
Hey Sara,
Yes, I have definately ruled out doing unseen prose tomorrow. The last time I did an unseen prose commentary was in last year's English exams - see, our paper 2 texts are poetry, so it makes sense to do an unseen poetry commentary. Besides, I think I've all but forgotten how to write on prose!
No, that's Spanish, Bio and Math notes. Impressive nonetheless. Ooh, wait until my history notes! They would rival such a stack on their own.
Just a girl
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